Posts by gruenspan

    Hi *all,

    if you own a Dunlop x Mini Pedal and are "afraid" of sticking velco to that smooth and clean rubber surface - first because: we don't do so and second: it might not stick as desired - simply switch the metal plate around and stick the velcro to the metal side. 8o

    I do not know if this is an insulation / radiation blocking issue, if you use it as a standard volume pedal, but as an expression pedal this should not make any difference (in regards of noise or hum).



    Hi Folks,

    i'm really looking forward to get my Kabinet, but as you all know it's passive. afaik, i think there is no release date for the powered version (just plans to thinka about it) , so we all don't know how long we must wait. ;( Please correct me, if i'm wrong.

    So we need an extra Power Amp.

    As i own a Model S (Kemper Stage, no Tesla 8)), i would prefer a non-Rack-Version.

    After reading through all, what makes the Kabinet, incl. ckempers FAQ i think i would be fine with a mono setup.

    So i want an external, compact, mono Power-Amp, preferrably NOT rack-mounted best around 150W.

    There are Tilman Ritters Floor Amps and Seymour Duncans Power Stage. Both fine PAs for sure, but also quite expensive.

    There is the Palmer Macht 402 which is quite fine, but 19'' and stereo, what i do not really need.

    So here goes the question:

    Do you have any good advice for a Power Amp for the Kemper Kabinet?

    Thanks in advance!

    Damn. Right now i found the related thread. Same question. Thanks. Too dumb to search. :(

    I already talked to support - they confirmed several issues with rig manager and performances. One specific issue (changing performance one also changes performance two) could be solved by resetting the stage to factory default.

    Currently i use the rig manager with lots of care and mostly configure on the device itself, which seems to be much more stable and reliable.

    There is also a discussion on the german forum about the rig managers reliability and issues, so this is nothing new as i seems.

    Hello *all,

    i just upgraded to recent Rig Manager and profiler firmware. It seems there are some major bugs with managing performances.

    To me it seems the slots are not correctly initialized and storing wrong content when changing / storing performances.

    1. I have to be in performance mode to work with performances from rig manager. Right?

    2. Before i populate slots or anything else i have to double click the performance slot to make it "active" (set the focus).

    This also brings up the "Save" Buttons in the bottom of the screen.

    I'm able to change things without doing this first, but it seems, that things are getting worse then.

    3. I change the performance (populate slots with rigs, change the name of the performance, ...)

    4. I use the "Store Performance in #x" button on the bottom of the page

    Although following this strict routine my performances are getting messed up over and over again.

    - Wrong names

    - i suddenly get the first performance in slot 2 also

    - ...

    I have not tried to populate performances before the actual release, so i can't tell if it was good in the last release.

    I have no problems when working with rigs (Browse Mode)

    Anyone else experiencing problems?

    Uninstall / Reinstall Rig Manager?

    Hello *all,

    is there any reason why this changed? I found it very comfy to be able to delete performances, and as far as i remember, you were not able to dial in empty performance slots in performance mode. Am i wrong? Now you have all 125 slots "occupied" and all have that basic crunch sound in place. Thats weird.

    Greetings to all.

    I'm new, but not really. I have dealed with the Rack and the Toaster back in 2015 and - honestly - only left because i missed the Stage. 8) To be true, that is for sure not the whole story, but still a main part of it. Since then i mainly used an AX8 =O and was quite happy with that. After a short intermission spended on the Helix i came back to the kemper family and was taken in minutes. I loved it again on the first sight, and must admit - it really improved - since 2015 and is still the same device. No new hardware enforcements in all the time. Wow. That is a real commitment to quality, reliability and design. Let's take the challenge, and see if i'm as durable with my gear decisions as the device is. ;)

    I'm glad to be here, and now i'll start to dig through the forum. See you again in a few years.

