Posts by 798cea008cea13adb9591f7a4a8904fd0f02ee48

    i suppose it comes down to how many bands you need to tweak but the ability to move the bands is basically what the studio EQ (parametric EQ) does with the added ability to set the Q width which a graphic doesn’t have.

    The issue is you really only have two bands you can do that with in the studio eq. The low is again set at 150 and the highs are set at 8 or 10k, I can't remember off the top of my head.

    My issue is more where all the hard frequencies are set in all the Kemper eqs. For instance, if a rig is a little boxy I would take out a little 500hz if it is honky then 700-1k is usually a good start, so a 1k band can do that, where the 1.2k in the graphic is a little too high for fixing that. Usually bite is at 2-3k and low mid flub is usually around 250.

    Having a couple more bands is always nice to have for whatever you might need, as well.

    I am not saying to make the graphic EQ more like a parametric, just saying the set frequencies of the graphic could have a few different presets where you can pick the list of set frequencies, depending on your need.

    I would love to have the option of either a few specific preset graphic EQ frequencies or the ability to move or shift them all at once with maybe a preset.

    I would love to see some more common frequency options, plus the high and low cut, but also a couple more frequencies added in for a few more possibilities.

    Frequencies I would like to see are, at least these:

    62.5, 125, 250, 500, 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k, 16k plus high and low cut.

    I would guess there are others who might be interested in something similar and may have a few options for frequencies or other thoughts they may like as well.



    Have you Profiled any amps yet?

    Yes I have profiled my full rack rig and cabs.

    The issue that I have is that 1 mic or maybe a combo of mics that I chose to profile with is not right for every situation, hence my request.

    I have also shot my cab with a bunch of IRs with several different mics as well, and loaded them in the kemper too, but again it would be nice to be able to load other cab IRs with different mics and load more than one IR at a time, hence my request.

    To me it is all about the song that I am recording, and what works for that, be it 1 mic or 3, or a totally different cab with that same "head". Having options is always a good thing in my opinion and this is one area that I have felt the kemper has lacked for the last year that I have had my kemper. If that could be added, or even another way to do it, like combining multiple IRs into a kipr cab file, would make this near perfect.


    in my experience, the influence of a mic in the final sound is much more complex than a simple IR of a mic could ever reflect.
    the volume level of the cab, the way the mic is angled towards the sound source etc. all 'work' with the mic.

    the beauty of the profiling process is that it captures your gear exactly and doesn't rely on some generic mic models.
    furthermore, there even is no 'SM57 sound' per se, to pick a popular example, they all exhibit tiny differences - and sometimes not so tiny.

    on top of all the above you'd need a completely flat mic to capture the cab 'mic-less' and to my knowledge mics that come close to that 'ideal' are around $1k. You could buy a bunch of decent guitar mics for that.

    Yes and no.

    I think that the mic can give a big difference in the sound as well as placement and many other variables.

    As I mentioned in my original post though, that sometimes my cab and say the cab used in the the amp factory profiles (just as an example) may not be just what I am looking for, but the amp model might be. So it would be great to be able to load more than one IR to accomplish this, and get the sound you might be after.

    I did not expect the responses I have gotten so far with what I felt was a decent and possibly doable request. If not some background might be nice to explain why.

    And buying a second kemper is not an answer and one of the stupidest things I have heard in a long time, especially for an enhancement request to a product.


    I vote for an enhancement to allow you to load multiple kipr files to a rig for multi mic configurations.

    Even after profiling my amp, and wanting to use some others profiles, I would really like to be able to load 2 or 3 "mics" from IRs to get just the right sound on other profiles.

    I have shot my cab, and used multiple mics, but it does not always fit with every rig I may want to use, and IRs seem to do this quite well.

    Heck if the Axe FX can do this, then I would think the kemper should be able to as well.


    Hey guys so I have decided to use only the kemper for my latest album, call it a challenge, I had used it for some smaller parts and punch ins on my last one, but this time all guitar and bass is all using the Kemper.

    Here is a track that is getting close to complete. Yes the rhythm guitar tracks are very rough and they are off, and they will be redone soon... But this just shows how good this thing can sound, it is so close to my rig it is not even funny.
