Posts by Andy87

    Thanks a lot Andy for the great input!
    Maybe you can do some tweaks (as you mentioned) with one of your free clean profiles and share it with us, so we can follow in real life on our Profilers at home :) Maybe played with your Strat - a very common guitar which many of us are playing.
    I´m pretty sure this would help A LOT of us "normal guitarplayers- not producers" to get an idea of making a "go to" clean rig out of a profile of an amp.

    If you have time (I know, time is money^^) I would really appreciate it.

    Maybe that kinda sound-sculpturing is also an idea for the Kemper tutorials vids on YouTube?

    Great idea!
    I think Pete (okstrat) had a similar suggestion/offer in another thread?

    I think this could be the last brick in the Kemper-wall to get the 100% perfect sound you´re looking for out of a great rig.

    BTW: 2 of my top 10 fav highgain rigs are from Lars (deadlightstudio). He has an amazing ear for guitar tones in my opinion.
    Thanks Lars, haha :)

    I mainly play HB guitars like a Gibson Flying V.
    Now I´ve bought a Fender Strat Vintage 56 with very low output pickups (new land for me, haha). I´ve adjusted Clean Sense at 12 and still the dirty and distorted sounds are much louder than the clean ones.
    Maybe that´s normal, I don´t know - never played such low output SC :)

    Any tipps from all the Fender Strat players around (maybe also with very low output pus) how to get more beef on clean and dirty tones. Should I try any particular stomp in front?
    I know Guenter Haas plays a 56 Strat, maybe he can chime in and give great hints, as always :)

    Thanks in advance and all the best,

    With which rigs (distorted and clean ones) do you adjust the clean/dist sense parameter? Any preferred rigs? Perceived loudness between different clean and dist rigs IMO depend on many other factors too, cab volume etc.

    Which rigs would you recommend for that (factory rigs, rigs from exchange?)

    Hey Leute,
    was bedeutet "clipping" in Bezug auf clean/dist sense genau? Akustisches klicken oder geht es beim Clipping mehr um die Farbe der led (grün/orange/rot) ?
    Weiters benutze ich den Kemper zwischenzeitlich noch lediglich mit Kopfhörern und höre überwiegend bei verzerrten rigs, vor allem bei Palm mutes und Akkorden ein sehr hohes und penetrantes Nebengeräusch. An was könnte das liegen? Kopfhörer (beyerdynamic DT770pro)? Eve. mit einem der Volume-Regler, dem Input (clean/dist) oder EQs regelbar? Bisher hat nichts geholfen.
    Danke im voraus.

    btw: das Forum ist dermaßen informativ und unterhaltsam, dass ich teilweise länger am Stöbern vorm Laptop als vor dem Kemper verbringe :)

    Dear everyone,

    in the last weeks I read and heard a lot about profiling and the huge impact of the profiled PU´s in the used guitar. Recapitulatory the conclusion was that a good result of MY rig I can only get with MY PU´s in MY guitar which I made the profile.... If the factor PU is that huge that´s a bit disappointing in my opinion. On the other hand I have to say I´ve not experienced that personally yet, that´s why I´m asking you as the community.

    So what are your experiences with that? Did anyone compare his profiles with the guitar and pickups of which the profile was made and other PU´s/guitars ?

    What are commercial profiles worth anymore? (btw: I love some Soundside/Ampfactory rigs)

    Could this differences in sound be tweaked well, or are the differences even insignificant if eg I´m playing other humbuckers than the profiled ones?

    Anything Lasse Lammert, Ola Englund, or Keith Merrow is great. Thuman has some great ones too - I like his Mark III profiles and ENGL Powerball. Erik Stamm's Legacy profiles are great. STEPH.L has my favorite MESA MARK V LEAD+.

    The best advice I can give is to definitely get Lasse's rig pack then save his cabinets as individual presets. They make what appear to be not-so-great profiles sound great.

    Beginner question from a beginner:
    How is the easiest way to save cabs as presets or try different cabs with different amps? Any basic tipps how to handle with that ? With the Lock-fuction?


    verwendet jemand zufällig das rig kontrol 3 als Interface? Wie ist die Signalkette/Verkabelung vom KPA am sinnvollsten? Ist es möglich über Klinke vom Master Output in den Input des Interface zu gehen bzw. warum nicht?


    Hello friends!

    I have my KPA now for 2 weeks, so I´m really just got in touch with it right now.

    First thing to do is to amplify it for playing at home and rehearsal. So I want to get great sound at low volumes too.

    What do you use or what would you suggest for playing at home to get great and neutral sounds? Active Fullrange ludspeakers (Mackie, Behringer, Yamaha, JBL..), or active Monitors like the KRK´s... ? I´ve also read ´bout this Camper amplifiers ? Are there big differences soundwise?

    Furhter question: Is there something like a Kemper Newsletter just to know about new Rigs, Firmware and so on?

    Many thanks in advance!