Posts by skyforger91

    I can underline this, I love the Tonehammer Fredman Marshall Cab, it's by far my favourite cab at the moment (besides pretty much all of the LL cabs). But I also really like the single sm57 Marshall and all of the Hesu cabs!


    Fredman micing technic is in general to phase cancel out ugly stuff from 2 mics.

    Could you explain that a little bit more in detail? I'm really interested in understanding this technique. How does this phase cancellation work? Why does it only filter out the "ugly" frequencies?

    Hey folks!

    I used the Kemper with great pleasure with 3rd party rigs so far and I already did some "okay" sounding profiles some months ago.
    Today I wanted to profile the amp of a guy who eventually wants to sell his Mesa Boogie RA-100 Amp to get the Kemper.
    But I had some serious problems.

    We miced up the amp (acutally the cab), put the mic cable into the "return input" of the Kemper, put his guitar in the front input of the Kemper and made a connection from the "Direct Out" of the Kemper to the Mesa Amp.
    I switched to the "Profiler" mode of the unit and switched forth and back between "Kemper amp" (which at that point had some random high-gain profile loaded) and "Reference Amp" to check the signal of the microphone.
    I noticed that the level of the microphone signal was very low and I had to raise the Return Level to at least 12.0 dB to get a similar volume than the random profile had. This was the first thing that seemed strange to me.
    But I thought that this is because we didn't use any mic preamp. We went straight from the SM57 into the Kemper.

    We then started the profiling process and after that did some refining and again I switched between "Kemper amp" and "Reference amp" to compare the mic signal to the new Kemper profile.
    It sounded okay. Wasn't perfectly the same, but almost.

    When I then wanted to save the profile, I wasn't able to type in some information about the cab!
    And when I finally saved the profile, the Cabinet lighting just went off.

    The profiler just decided that this new profile did not have a Cab section.
    We tried it over and over but everytime there was no cab section at the end of the profiling process.

    I know that there is an option called "No Cabinet" on the 2nd page of the Profiling Assistant. But I didn't check that option for the first three times of profiling. And when I checked at the fourth profiling round, it didn't change anything. Still no cab.
    Seems to me like the profiler just ignores the (un-)selection of this option.

    My firmware is release.
    Amp was Mesa Boogie RA-100, Cabinet was Orange (don't know for sure what speakers, probably V30).
    There have not been any effect pedals/noise gates in the profiling signal chain.

    We had to use a fairly long cable from the Direct Out of the Kemper to the amp input (9 meters) but I don't think that this is a problem since the signal is buffered once it reached the Kemper?
    Also, we had to monitor everything over headpones and therefore had Headphone Space on and at value of around 7-8.

    One thing that also seems strange to me is, that the profiles of the amp all had a Definition value of 0.0.... Even though this is not the most modern sounding amp out there, this seems extremely low.....

    Soooooo....what went wrong at my profiling attempt?

    Got the EVH pack and i love it!
    So far the Marshall1960AV has always been my favorite cab, but your Hesu cab sounds really great, too, especially with the off-axis mic position!

    Just one thing: All the profiles are really loud, so that the output stage of my kemper is clipping/distorting when I play strong palm mutes.
    Compared to your profiles in the official merged rig-pack as well as most other proiflies these are easily 4-5dB louder.
    Not really a big deal, I can lower the volume. But when I browse through profiles in the Rig Manager it is difficult to compare yours to other profiles because of the loudness difference and
    because I can't override the profiles there. I would first have to put them on my Kemper, edit them there in Volume, save them and put them back to the PC.
    Still no big deal, but something one could optimize in my opinion. Or is this with purpose and the rig-loudness war is coming? ;)

    And there is one thing I am interested in:
    Some profiles (e.g. H1-H4 and I1-I4 have absolutely the same description and tags (except Gain). They still sound different of course, but I wonder what's the difference in settings. :)
    Different amp eq, mic position or booster settings?

    Wow, thank you for all the great replies!

    First of all: I know about the fletcher munson curves - that's what I meant with "I can only explain that effect to myself with the human ear not being linear over different volumes. " - and that's why we did some adjustments to the profiles.
    For example, we use the LL-Shot-Gun-Blast. I fell in love with it the first time I played through that rig (at home, at low/mid volumes) and it is still one of my favourites. It sounds HUGE on recordings without any adjustments. Because usually you don't hear recordings on rehearsal volume. But in our rehearsals, it wasn't good. The two guitarists were not hearing themselves (I play the bass in that band), the overall sound was annoying, fizzy, untransparent.

    So we tweaked it like this now:
    Stack-EQ: Bass: -0.1; Mids: +,0.2; Treble: -0.8; Presence: -0.7
    Studio-EQ on the MOD-Slot (post stack): Low Gain: -9dB@80Hz; Mid1 Gain: -0.5dB@500Hz Q-Factor 0.85; Mid 2 Gain: +3.8dB@1400Hz Q-Factor 0.7
    We also rolled the gain back to 7.0, put the AMP clarity to 2.1 and definition to 7.1
    And we put a Metal Equalizer in Stomp B (pre-Stack) with Low -0.4, Mid +0.4, Gain +0.2
    A gate with threshold 2.9 is in Stomp A and the overall noise gate is at 3.4.

    To summarize it: less treble, more mids, less fizzy gain, noise gate.
    NOW our sound is - in my opinion - 1000 times better than before. You can clearly hear the guitars, the annoying highs are gone... everything is just fine.

    So I can not understand when people say that they use their studio sound live on stage without any adjustments and it sounds good.
    For recordings I tend to use profiles with way more treble and less mids than in a live situation. Am I the only one?
    And because of that I was curious about the statement from that Amon Amarth guitarist who was saying that they are happy about the Kemper because now they can take their studio sound to the stage.

    To reply to the Output-EQ-thing:
    I found the Output-EQ to be not very flexible (mid frequency is not ideal imo) and we also need only two
    different sounds live,
    so we prefer tewaking the profiles with Stack EQ
    and X/MOD/STOMP slots.
    But it is interesting to see that everybody has his own strategy on this.


    Just a thought, if you must use the X Y slots for other things, and
    since you have 2 Kempers, you could set one up and profile it with the
    other to save some effects slots :D

    CadaverHK: That's something I thought of earlier but I was wondering if it works and if the sound quality doesn't suffer. Wouldn't the Kemper also profile the ~4ms delay produced by the unit?
    Is there someone who has tried this? Would be really interesting. Otherwise I probably will give it a try, soon. ^^

    Again, thank you all for your replies and your advice!

    Hey there!
    We are currently using two Kempers in our reheasal room instead of our AMPS and Cabinets. The Kempers go directly to the PA.
    We noticed that profiles need some tweaking if you want to play them on rehearsal/live volume.
    Without any treatment, all the profiles tend to sound very fizzy at high volumes and the overall sound is just a mess.
    I can only explain that effect to myself with the human ear not being linear over different volumes.

    So all the profiles I tweaked at home sound like shit in loud rehearsals.
    How do you guys tweak your hi-gain profiles for live/rehearsal usage?
    Do you just roll of some treble and/or presence or do you add some mids or do you even use a studio eq in the X or MOD slot after the amp?

    Some weeks ago i saw a interview video with a guitarist of Amon Amarth and he was saying that the Kemper is great because they can now take their studio sound to the stage.
    But with the problem written above in mind, it can't be possibile to just use the studio sound live (and with great resluts) without any treatment.

    Your idea seems to be promising, I have also deleted a lot of the rigs that were on my Kemper with RigManager!
    And I also have these timeouts in my debug log.
    I think you found it. Now, Kemper Team just has to release a bug fix for it. :thumbup:

    Local db is (at least in Win7) at C/User/YourUserName/AppData/Local/KemperAmps/RigManager/
    There, you will find a KPserialnumberofyourkemper.db

    But Local Library is not where the profiles on your Kemper will appear. Local Library is where you can store Profiles on your pc.
    If your KPA is connected and detected corretly, it will show up as a seperate category below RigExchange and Local Library.

    Is the driver for the KPA installed? If so, you should find the Kemper Amplifier in your device-manager.

    Hey there,

    I am really happy about the RigManager software. Especially the feature to instantly listen to the rigs from RigExchange is great!

    But unfortunately everytime I start the program it starts to (re)sync all the rigs from the connected Kemper.
    In the manual it is written that this would only happen at the first start of the program, but it happens at every start.
    And it takes a looooooong time... maybe around 20 minutes (there are ~380 rigs on my Kemper atm.).
    In this time, I can load other rigs from the RigManager (but it takes ~5 seconds until they are loaded up in the Kemper), but I can't do much on the Kemper itself because the sync.-screen is in the way -> I can't see what's on the display.

    Even if there are no changes to the rigs on the Kemper, they all get synchronized agian and again everytime I open the program.
    I had that problem with the first beta and i also have it with #2.

    My system is a desktop PC with USB2, Asrock Mainboard, Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit. RigManager is installed on a Samsung SSD hard drive.