Posts by matty6strings

    Guess what? ...said Kemper unit is down. So sad, waiting to hear back from Support. Launched a ticket yesterday. I knew something was up with this unit.

    See link to thread. I posted it in the wrong section. Sorry about the cross post but I believe the issues are related. Any updates or fixes will be on the other thread (see link). Mods feel free to delete this thread if need be. Thank you guys!

    GAH POSTED in wrong section. SORRY, MODS? ...PICS! A Software Error Occurred - I've tried the usual fixes... no joy please help if you can, cheers!!

    Ears, wedge and cab user here.

    My preference is IEM.
    The wedge I have and HARDLY ever use is a Yorkville PS12p for vox and Kemper.
    cabs are gone but have used a few Dr Z cabs with various speakers and configurations.

    Cabs and Monitors require additional tweaking in your output section but "even tone" can be achieved between them and FOH with some patience.

    Best sound I ever heard from a Kemper into a powered cab was the Gemini. If I were in the market, that would be my very first stop. Probably my last.

    Good luck mate


    Ah yes, BD will look after you.

    Funny, I don't know how to post pics or video (PooToob etc.) either!

    Oh, I just uploaded to my Photobucket account and copied the links into the window that pops up when you click on the Image button in the reply header. Looks like a postcard with little mountains on it. Give it a try.

    No word yet, weekend starts in Germany about 9 hours before here in Vancouver BC. LOL

    Looking forward to getting it up and running asap. Thank God the band is on a summer break. Otherwise - YIKES!!

    ** ...Being that its the weekend, I didn't expect to hear anything from Kemper Support until next week and since I don't know if I could screw My Kemper up any further I decided to take a leap into a world I usually try my best to avoid. Flash etc..Freaks me out because I don't truly understand it. Since I have a second functional Kemper I decided to go for it.

    From a post I located somewhere on the web. I performed the BOLD section then restored a previous back up from a few days ago and IT WORKED!!!!:

    "Flash memory erase\updateIf the Profiler’s memory has been messed up by a defective profile\maxed out and the unit doesn’t boot properly any longer, try this ([burkhard]. NOTE: all the rigs will be erased during this procedure):push and hold soft button 1 (top left above display) while switching on the unit into Tuner Mode;keep pushing the button until the Booting Maintenance Mode message appears;in Maintenance mode push Maintenance, Memory, Init Flash, Yes, Ok, and shut down;start Profiler normally, enter your owner name at the end of the welcome sequence, then enter System Menu and push the Factory Rigs button. This will restore the factory rigs.The initialization of the flash memory was only necessary after a bug in 1.0.5 where a memory corruption bug could also mess up the flash memory organization. We've all heard about flash memory failures resulting from too many writes, but the Profiler’s flash can be definitely updated several hundred times. In those cases when a flash memory reset is advisable, and the operation doesn’t bring the expected results, you can try and update it more than once: the firmware flash has several partitions and the update process will try them one after another. Before you do that, turn off the unit by leaving it on and pulling the power cord. Then wait 1 minute. After that, connect the stick, press and hold the Page buttons and turn the unit on.timowas editing some delays. Saved my performances after. suddenly the Kemper freezes".

    ** I WILL FORWARD MY UPDATE TO SUPPORT IMMEDIATELY ** But still hope they investigate the cause.


    Short version:

    Rebooted to find Software error message

    Tried holding RIG while booting up. Same
    Tried holding <> while booting from USB. Same

    Wiped USB, reformatted from my other Kemper currently running 4.0.6 . Opened on mac, made sure none of the folders had any info. EMPTY. Dragged 4.0.6 KAOS bin onto the drive NOT into the folder

    THEN PRESSED <> to boot from thumb drive again. SAME

    Opened a Ticket with Kemper just now.

    Something went wonky. I was using version 3.??? something with no issues for the last 8 months or whatever it has been. Recently updated to 4.?? but my Kemper didn't like it so went back to 3.???

    I have Two Kempers. Kemper 01 is pooched at the moment - Kemper 02 seems fine. I did notice that last upgrade, Kemper 2 had the Pederson stobe tuner Kemper 01 didn't even running on the same update. THAT is where my first issue began. I wiped Kemper 01, copied all files from 02 WITH back up and installed into Kemper 01. Seemed to work fine unitl last night.

    So Kemper 02 now runs 4.0.6 with no issues, all backed up on multiple USB drives and on my mac. As soon as I get Kemper 01 fixed, I'll re-install my rigs Of which I only use 5.

    Is ANYONE able to offer something in terms of a fix I may have overlooked while I wait for Support to get back to me?

    Here is the initial error message before I attempted any resolutions:

    [Blocked Image:]

    When I boot up the Kemper, it appears want to load and I see it going through the usual start up motions. Screen shot:

    [Blocked Image:]

    Followed by this message:

    [Blocked Image:]



    UPDATE below - I went to the downloads section just to see if I was missing out on a recent updated which I was. DL'd 3.3.0 and installed.

    Well, after installing I found that all my delays were not accessible in the DELAY box but they were in the other ones. Hmm. I best go back to the previous back up.

    When I did that, ALL MY SHIT was gone. ALL OF IT! Mad? You better frickin' believe it baby.

    The other guitar player uses my other Kemper. If I back up from that machine and re-install everything to this one, should I anticipate any issues?

    thanks all


    So I somehow have a corrupt thumb drive. Back up file is too damage to be used. Kemper rebooted itself and upon start up its like a brand new machine.

    I usually duplicate my back ups with two drives as well as rigs etc.

    Got my other thumb drive and performed a back up and all is well EXCEPT for the delays are all screwy still AND my settings on the Remote are gone. Easy fix but frustrating all the same. Couldn't COPY a fav delay over to the new Delay section on the Kemper. Basically re-wrote it and stored it. Easy to implement now.

    I tried the others as well. Whatever MOJO you performed on the first profile is absolutely KILLER for my strats.

    THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing it!

    For my cleans I'm still using my own 5 watt Victoria Amps profile. Can't seem to fine one I like better with my strats BUT I will be trying this profile out as well. I have a small hunch that it may bump my profile once tweaked a little for cleans.

    hey hey! Congrats and welcome!

    I've sold all my Marshall's DR. Z's, Mesa's and Fenders EXCEPT my 1965 Deluxe Reverb!!!!

    I now own two Racked non power Kempers. One sits in the PA rack and the other travels around with me and I use it at home to practise. We are all IEM's, using Shure PSM300's and out PA is all Powered Yorkville Speakers fed by a Presonus RM32.

    The IEM's are working out great. Recently I decided to try a full rehearsal to experiment with ONLY FOH pointed away from the group as it would be in a small environment/ gig to simulate the IEM's going down for whatever reason. Dude, The KEMPER still KILLED it. LOVE THIS THING, BIG TIME!

    I use to miss pushing air but not anymore. NEVER hear the phrase "you're too loud" anymore. HAHAHA

    sorry to revive an old thread. One of my old strats does this but all the issues go away if I slightly engage the guitars volume control. In other words, all the way off = noise. Slightly cracked NO noise.

    Curious to hear your results.

    I'm curious to know if you played around with the input sensitivity levels as well as the output EQ? If wo what did you discover?

    Personally I got a lot more bang for the buck when I brought the distortion setting DOWN a bit (start user) and the clean up. Dont ask what number because I cant remember. That helped me even out the highs when rolling tone and volume around. The output EQ was fabulous for live adjustments from room to room. Starting to enjoy SPACE as well. At first it was too, er, spacey? but I am begining to hone in on what I need.

    Would love to read your insights guys.


    I can supply you with samples IF my issue is the same.


    I play strats mostly. On high single note runs with medium to high gain, I can hear what sounds like a clean guitar UNDER my profiled sound. The result is that oscillating chorusy sound that droves me NUTS. With in ears its untolerable.

    So, I brought a les paul out today wondering if my problem was "stratitus" but the issue is very much still prominent in my sound.

    I don't mind getting a couple of sound clips together with a copy of the rig to post. Should I start a new thread? I have not found a solution yet but previous posts are giving me hope!!!!
