Posts by lavigie

    sorry to read that, I have just arrived!
    good thing is you can keep all your profiles, they will still be great when you come back
    sad to lose such an active contributor to the community - I'd like to be that good

    Hi K-friends,

    i have just enlisted in a Fender contest with this video:…=UUgRHhFzqujQD2bKj-kRPnug

    in the description you can find a link to vote for me if you think it's good enough, the first phase is based on votes, so I really need a lot of help!

    I recorded with the eleven rack because I was still looking for my lead tone on the Kemper, but I have found one now so I hope my next effort will be pure Kemper :)

    Thanks for reading!

    Ok, first of all the support is rock solid, I got the answer to my problem within one hour!

    At the beginning of this thread, someone mentionned a appdata file to be deleted. This totally correct BUT the KPA must be OFF when you do that (I tried it before and it did nothing with the KPA on).

    you have to start the KPA on Browse mode while holding the Rig button, then start the Rig Manager.
    It syncs correctly and then you're good.

    If you have any questions, don't hesitate to check with the support, that was it for me and I'm so glad to be back in business!

    I have just uploaded my first profiles, Bogner Duende Clean (Bright switch On) and Both Channels (still sounds clean but a bit more grit)

    tell me what you think, this amp delivers my favourite cleans

    Hi all,

    I have just uploaded my first profiling tryout: Bogner Duende in Clean Channel, and Clean+Drive (although still sounds clean)
    tell me what you think!

    back to the beast

    Salut à tous, merci pour votre accueil!

    j'ai uploadé mes 1ers profiles, mon Bogner Duende en clair, et en 2 canaux en même temps (mais qui reste qd mm clair pour les réglages), vous me direz ce que vous en pensez svp?!

    tant de profiles à essayer c'est extra, c'est même trop (non allez ça va!)

    allez on y retourne ;)

    Salut à tous,

    je m'appelle Laurent et je suis en Normandie, tout neuf dans le monde Kemper, après 1 an et demi sur le 11rack (que j'ai gardé, j'aime tjs et pratique pour enregistrer); j'ai suivi le KPA depuis environ 3 ans, et finalement j'ai craqué (enfin je me suis oragnisé, une guitare et un ampli vendus... le tour est joué!)

    je joue depuis plus de 20 ans, surtout de la Strat

    pressé d'expérimenter, et d'apprendre à me servir du KPA; j'ai déjà eu de bonnes sensations sur qq profiles et j'espère pouvoir profiler bientôt, j'ai un SM57 et je pense qu'il va me falloir du temps de réglage aussi!

    à bientôt!

    Hi everyone,

    I'm Laurent, from France; been playing the guitar for 20+ years, I teach guitar, have played in a couple dozens of bands, and I also record some stuff at home.
    I have just received the KPA, after three years of quiet following I finally jumped aboard!

    I am used to playing and recording with the 11rack, and the KPA is a big upgrade.

    what sold me the KPA is the "Kemper SRV" video on youtube, I still love watching, what a tone! I tried my best to get close to that tone with the 11rack, and then I decided to go for the Kemper.

    the fact that you can have such different tones, coming from different amps, and the quantity being unlimited with the community growing, it's just amazing. Love the rig manager too, how easy to try profiles! The navigation inside the unit is still a bit complicated for me, and I think I have lost/forgotten a profile that I liked... too many profiles to try all at once!

    my first impressions were surprising, the dynamics are a lot more faithful to your playing, as it is the case with a real amp; I started tweaking the Teeny Tiny Feet profile, and I really had a good time.

    a lot of learning for me now, and I hope I can start profiling next week, will keep you posted.

    if you want to see my pre-kemper life, you can check out my youtube channel:

    thank you everyone for contributing to this site, the community is a big part of my choice for the KPA
