Posts by dovla


    RM v2.174 and Kemper OS Release are communicating now .

    I uninstalled RM , restarted PC ,installed RM, plugged Kemper ( WIN7 recognized and installed drivers).

    If I unplug the Kemper then the driver info disappears from the Sound/video controllers page. It reappears if I reconnect so I removed the driver here.

    While Kemper is plugged in, try right-click on Kemper Profiler in Device manager and then on Uninstall driver. After that unplug and plug in Kemper again, Just a thought, maybe that will help.

    But first try exactly what I did, I worked for me.

    Good luck.


    I'm having the same problem as Garp1969 , plus, RigManager chrashes upon lunching (Kemper is connected to PC/Win7).

    Didn't have any issues before updating to the latest Rig Manager in combination with the latest Kemper version(release).

    Kemper is running fine, so, I assume there's something wrong with the latest RM.

    "Problem signature:

    Problem Event Name: APPCRASH

    Application Name: Rig Manager.exe

    Application Version:

    Application Timestamp: 5c73df63

    Fault Module Name: KERNELBASE.dll

    Fault Module Version: 6.1.7601.24059

    Fault Module Timestamp: 5aa1fad8

    Exception Code: e0434352

    Exception Offset: 000000000001a06d

    OS Version: 6.1.7601.

    Locale ID: 1050

    Additional Information 1: 1971

    Additional Information 2: 1971aa1bba6192a1daacf03f58340aba

    Additional Information 3: 12b0

    Additional Information 4: 12b058fa742933bc38d477ee9acb7847"

    I've noticed that mix knob on Metal DS doesn't do what I expected it to do. What I expected was, as with other distortions on Kemper amp, to get unprocessed sound when Mix set at 0% (sound not affected by the distortion at all).
    Does anyone have the same issue?
    I'm using 4.0.6 release.


    Great profiles Guidorist , after trying and enjoying Bognar yesterday, bought JayTea today... waiting for Brit900 and VOICE15 :thumbup:
    What i like the most is balanced treble, smooth ("silky") but ,at the same time , present treble, which IMHO some other commercial profiles don't have . I test profiles by playing together with various (rock) music through the studio monitors . I'd say 98% mix-ready profiles.

    Thanks, for quick reply Raoul23, I know about the intended lag you've mentioned, but I noticed much longer than usual lag, and not just when switching from Browse to Performance, also from Tuner to Browse, and also for example when switching on FCB1010+UNO 4 , it usually takes 1 sec to see confirmation on the display that FCB is on, but it took like 8-10 sec. on FW3.0 That is what i mean by noticeable lag. Just to be clear, after rebooting, the lag was gone, but then came another issue,freezing, and the day after that freezing + "error message" .... I just wanted say that it just wasn't reliable for me, and believe me I'm usually to lazy to experiment with beta firmwares, I usually wait for release FW just to have reliable amp when gigging.

    Sure , I will contact support, but I have a feeling that they are aware of the bugs in FW3.0, just came out of beta to early, imho.

    Hi, I also had few serious issues after upgrading to FW 3.0. , squeaking sound, few freezing...(i posted my story recently on this forum) . I noticed certain amount of other users having ,in my opinion , too many serious issues for a firmware that has release status.
    I just had to downgrade to 2.7.4 to put my Kemper amp back to " reliable mode". :thumbdown: .

    Well, that's the first time i had to downgrade due to bugs/ instability .
    At first, I noticed a noticeable delay (lag) when switching from Tuner to Browse, or from Browse to Performance mode. After playing some time on Performance I wanted to take pause from playing , switched to to tuner but nothing happened, just froze. I turned it off, rebooted , tried to switch back to Performance mode , but this time immediately after switching to browser it started to squeak (loud high pitch sound through my cabinet), and it was frozen again. Rebooted again and after that played without issues...
    ....until the next day, after playing for about 30 min i got "blue screen of death" (so to speak). It happened while trying to copy and paste fx from one stomp to another stomp slot.

    IMHO FW 3.0 shouldn't have "release" status.

    Just wanted to share my latest bad experiences after upgrading to FW 3.0.,


    if anyone wants to import IRs for usage with DI Profiles i can say 80% will sound wrong beacause the most are created with a tubepoweramp. For best results you should use a clean as possible IR created with a class D poweramp ;)

    One of the features of Redwirez cabs is :"Cabs powered w/ Bryston 4B, known for flat freq. response, ample power and low distortion"
    So, if DI Profiles are used with Redwirez IRs we should have 100% authentic amp sound.
    According to "Kemper Profiler Addendum 3.0" :
    "An impulse response is the perfect companion of any Direct Amp Profile. While the latter is a perfect
    reproduction of the full guitar amp, the cabinet IR is the perfect reproduction of a speaker cabinet. Combined,
    they are as authentic as a Studio Profile."
    This is the advantage of having new "real" DI Profiles , although i've read here on forums that it is not quite true, because, depending on which cabinet was used in process of making DI Profile ,we get different sounding DI Profiles.
    Now, that confuses me because we have clear statement of being as authentic as a Studio Profile.

    i still have not tried more expensive DI boxes...but my Behringer works. So for starters to try out without spending much money..get a Behringer Ultra G-100
    My Difference to regular profiles is maybe 0,5%...sometimes i cant hear it works.

    I have similar DI BOX, Behringer Ultra DI100. Would it be safe to use that one for profiling too? Do you attenuate signal with those 2 buttons (-20db), and have ground lift on?

    They came out good,in my opinion, based on feel (dynamics) and my ears...i would say 99%(overall) .
    The slight difference was in low(ish) mid frequency, more pronounced in profile than in the original, but not much, easily corrected with EQ if needed. Dynamics (feel) when played was the same as original.

    Hi, I've just uploaded 12 DI profiles of MXR CUSTOM BAD ASS '78 stomp box with various settings.

    I've named rigs according to the settings on the stomp box, for example:
    - MXR_D_9h_CrOFF = ( Distortion at 9 o'clock, Crunch button OFF )
    - MXR_D_ FULL_CrON = (Distortion on FULL, Crunch button ON).....
    Tone was set at 1 o'clock on all profiles.

    You can find them on RE under author name Dovla .
    I use them as stomp box connected directly to the amp's input, but i also like them how they sound with Till's cabs on studio monitors.

    Hope you'll like them, cheers ;)

    Hi, i don't have connection between my PC and KPA anymore. I don't know what happened, i updated firmware 2.6.0 beta to newest 2.7.3 , after that it stopped working. After doing few restarts, i downgraded back to 2.6.0 beta again, but the problem still remains.
    I noticed that when i connect cable to the network port display screen of the KPA starts to flicker (in regular cycles,about 2-3 times per second), without even connecting the other side of the cable (USB) to the PC . The moment i pull out the cable out flickering stops. Also, when i connect to the USB port on my PC then i can hear flickering cycles through my monitors. I tried with another cable but i had same resut.
    Other than that, KPA works fine, i use that network port to check profiles on RM 3-4 times per month, KPA is always unplugged from wall power socket when not in use.
    Any ideas ?