Posts by joeshepard

    Nope...last year I switched to La Bella strings after being a D'Addario player most of my life... I love the feel and tone of the La Bella's..

    Wow, That's good to hear that they are working for you. I have had nothing but bad luck with LaBella's. Lots of strings that just won't tune right out of the package and others that break right at the tuning machine within a day of changing strings.

    My first post here so, Hi all!

    Just got 2 Kemper toasters last week. A non powered one for home and a powered one for my recording studio and I'm loving them!

    These are my first impressions about the Kemper.

    The load times really seems quite reasonable to me. I turn it on and pretty much leave it on all day.

    To compare Kemper to a Behringer or Eventide really isn't fair. How many programmers do you think those big companies have to work on their software compared to Kemper?
    It seems they have, in general, put their priorities in the right order. The main ones being the sound and playability which are friggin' amazing. It is the first box I have used that plays and FEELS like an amp.

    Also the user interface is one of the most intuitive I have worked with in a standalone box. A very good job on essentially a V1 box.

    I'm a Mac user so I don't have a librarian at all yet but, again the sound is so good. I'll bide my time 'till it's released.

    Does it have room for improvement. Absolutely but shame on them? Nah. My guess is that they are just a few guys working really hard to put out an amazing product.

    Thanks for the great forum!
