Posts by jpm

    Had a chance to do some testing tonight and have hit a roadbump, when the VG-99 and FC-300 are in SysEx mode, and you set to output #CC when you hit buttons on the FC-300, they are all in momentary and not latching. Changing performance/slot worked a treat, as did the Exp pedals, but the problem is the FX slots are only active as long as you hold the button down on the FC. Not cool.

    I may have thought of a work around tho, I'm hunting for a MIDI Solutions Event Processor, which can convert #CC to NRPN (to control the advanced functions of the KPA) but also ignore #CC. If I set it to ignore the "off" part of the #CC, I should be able to activate a FX slot in the KPA and not have it turn off. Obviously then to turn it off, I would have to reset the rig, hopefully by just pressing the patch (#PC) button on the FC-300, but worst case is switching to a different slot and back again. Not ideal but I really want to use just one foot controller.

    Hi all, I'm thinking of getting one of the Event Processor boxes, I'm trying to control the Kemper S/PDIF input with a footswitch (if possible).

    There is a parameter to enable SPDIF input, but not sure if it will switch it on and off?

    System / Global (Address Page 127)
    11 S/PDIF Input Enable

    I'm assuming it should with the MSB byte set to $00 and the LSB byte set to $01?

    Then I found this here

    "SPDIF enable is mislabeled. It's actually changing the input and has as many values as selections on the front panel knob. I realize this is off topic, but putting it here in case someone searches"

    Can someone (pretty please) do some testing to see if you can set the input - FRONT ($00?), ALTERNATIVE ($01?), RETURN ($02?) and S/PDIF ($03?) via NRPN?

    Very much appreciated!

    I checked the manual and it says input settings are global and not set my rig, darn.

    My other option is to enable SDPIF input via NRPN but will obviously need a #CC to NRPN converter, plus I don't know if it will disable if the NRPN # is sent again.

    I'll ask someone to do some testing for me...

    I've started using them together with the FC-300 in Sysex Mode. The VG-99 can be programmed to send bank select/PC messages and therefore all the performance slots are available. Not totally happy with it yet; it's still a WIP.

    Way to resurrect an old thread... I'm fairly close to putting a VG-99 in front of my KPA, and controlling it all with a FC-300 in SysEx mode over RRC2. My setup is going to be a little different and I'll get to that later on...

    You can also program the VG to send #CC changes when you use buttons/EXP on the FC-300, it's assignable in the VG in the MIDI menu, or just use the editor. My idea is to output MIDI from the VG to the KPA, and just use the FC like I would normally use my FCB (Uno), but no signal going from the VG, so it doesn't really matter what I do with the FC. From what I can gather, in KPA performance mode the PC values are set just like the VG, so preset 1 (Bank 1/Slot 1) will be a PC #001 = Performance 1/Slot 1, preset 6 (Bank 2/Slot1) will be a PC #006 = Performance 2/Slot 1 etc.

    I haven't confirmed this yet, but I'm hoping in Performance 2, I can set the input to SPDIF, so when I go to bank 2 on the FC, I will get signal from the VG, and just run this signal through the KPA, into my monitor and also the FOH. Why SDPIF? Just to save on a D/A/D conversion! I probably won't be using the VG for amp/fx, but there's no reason why I can't use the VG for guitar modelling/synth and the KPA for amp/fx stuff.

    I don't have my KPA with me, can someone confirm you can assign an input to a Performance "bank"? e.g. set it to Front Input for Performance 1, SDPIF in for Performance 2, and maybe even Alternative Input for Performance 3? :)

    I may want to use my piezo in front of the KPA signal chain (instead of an insert, which I've read there might be HF issues) hence thinking Performance 3 for Alternative Input.

    If this all works it could be extremely cool for my particular setup. I don't use more than 5 slots in Performance mode at a gig, so I can name the 1-5 slots in the VG the same as the KPA (so they appear on the FC screen), then once I get to 6-10 slots I'm using the VG as you "normally" would then potentially 11-15 could be piezo stuff.

    This all make sense? I want to go test it all but don't have my KPA here, and the guitar I'm getting built with a hex output is a while away from being finished.

    Just finished this, my toaster originally came in this rack, but it was only held in by the 2 feet screws into the rack adapter. I drilled some new holes and got all 4 screws in, plus put a bit of foam underneath.

    I then got an Ambrosi amp, so coupled with the G90, that made 3 x IECs I was continually plugging in and unplugging at gigs, plus I was using normal jack to jack to go from the G90 to the KPA.

    I ended up squishing a surge protected power board in the side of the rack, and cut down some right angled IEC cords and put side entry plugs on them. This way I only need to plug in one thing at gigs (actually 2, but I'll post an update on that later on).

    I also made up a right angled jack to jack that permantly connects the G90 to the KPA, everything is low profile so it doesn't interfere with the covers (they have little pouches to put leads in).

    Happy days!

    Finally got some time with Pack 3 last night, the Sold A PRS profiles are fantastic (and I'm not saying that coz I'm biased ;) ). 2-3 and 4 will be mainstays for sure, got a gig coming up and can't wait to use them on stage!

    Grabbed this pack yesterday and had a bit of time last night. Very happy with my purchase, I made a direct profile of my PRS HXDA and combined with Till's cabs, it's great.

    Lots of tonal options in these cabs, pretty obvious a LOT of effort has gone into making profiles for just about anyone's tastes!

    Top job :)

    True that what you hear through the CLR is what's GOING to the FOH but not necessarily what's coming OUT of the FOH. That all depends on the mixer and FOH, if they're top notch and no EQ is applied, then yes, what's coming out the of the CLR is going to be very close to what's coming out of the FOH. If the sound engineer decides to start EQing your tone for whatever reason, or the FOH is a bit crappy, then yeah, you can guess the result!

    From memory the button went to the out position. The squeal was only happening when I muted the strings and the guitar volume was up. Reducing the amp gain and increasing the noise gate went someway to helping but with more amp volume, the problem came back. I could even walk out of the room and the problem wouldn't go away, and it only stopped when I turned the guitar volume down.

    Playing wasn't an issue, only when I stopped (and it happened pretty quickly too). I can only think that the hum from the ground issue was interacting with the slight hum from the guitar, as well as the high gain of the profile, and creating some weird, high frequency feedback loop (maybe something to do with harmonics). I have a fairly noisy music room power wise so that's worth mentioning as well.

    I also had horrible him through my powered monitor at a gig once, balanced XLR from main out (had also run into stage box), this was on a clean profile but again the ground lift button fixed the issue.

    This just happened to me, running out of monitor out into Ambrosi then into CFR12.

    Drove me crazy for a while, went back a firmware, no help.

    Turns out the ground lift was the culprit, pushes the button and voila, no squealing!

    Try it and see if it's the same thing...