Posts by Ejblives

    I’d probally leave all the profiles on the kemper esp if he is a first time user,that way he can have access to all the profiles in on one device and then as he learns how to use rig manager/usb stick he can go through them and keep what he likes on the kemper. Most likely your better profiles are the one you’ve purchased so to take them off would be unnecessary to me.

    This is what I am now using for small to medium gigs. It's a powered toaster into a J Designs 1x12 oval ported pine cab loaded with an EVM 12S. It is small, easy to setup and sounds great. Larger gigs I will bring a 2x12 or 4x12.

    Very cool setup there, nice and compact. I’m thinking a vertical 2x12 would put the Kemper at nice height too When you go to adjust it during a gig.
    EVM12S sounds good too? I haven’t heard one.

    Looking for feedback from users of the Matrix NL12. Considering this as my smaller cab option. I like the idea of the lightweight ported design. Is it sufficient at gig volumes,I mean really able to be pushed or is it just enough? I would consider the NL2x12 if the 1x12 is going to be questionable as far as keeping up in gig setting

    I just bought a pre owned PowerHead in mint condition and works flawlessly...also came with the
    factory carrying bag. Saved some nice money too. I hardly ever buy music gear new if I can help it. Many deals to be had out there. Jut ask questions and most sellers on the forums and websites like reverb,eBay have feedback history you can look at to evaluate the seller and have some recourse in case there was an issue.

    Hello gang from South Louisiana.
    Kemper Powehead arrived today and the remote will be here in a couple days. Looking forward to learning and making new friends in the Kemper life!

    Hi guys
    I'd love to hear some real works exp in regards to powering the Kemper
    I'm going the entering the awesomeness of Kemper world and I have a question about powering it.
    Ideally getting a unit with the power amp installed in it seems the most logical choice for portability.
    But how does it compare in sound and reliably to an external power amp where I would be able to choose any one I wanted.
    I though about a powered CLR monitor or the like,but I'm thinking I want to try various cabs that wouldn't have a power source. Also would like to have the option to maybe run the unit in or have the option to run in stereo at some point.
    Any input greatly appreciated

    Thanks for the imput, for starters I'd be playing the Kemper through a Splawn 2x12 loaded with Scumback speakers. Does the power amp inside the Kemper have the ability to run in stereo or does the unit have the ability to turn the power amp off without opening it up and disconnecting it and use powered monitors if I wanted to?

    In regards to power source for the unit....external power amp or Kemper's built in power amp? What is the overall better choice? Is one significantly better over the other? I like the idea of the amp being inside the unit.

    I believe the designer of the Kemper was quoted somewhere as saying no changes/firmware updates (or something to that effect)would be available because the unit is basically complete. Someone please chime in if that's not correct though. As many have said they feel they could use the Kemper in its current form for many years to come. Which says a lot because as guitars players we are hard to satisfy when it comes to tone,which makes the kemper great with so many tones to choose from.