Posts by MtotheEikel

    Ein Punkt in der Diskussion war, dass/ob der Kemper so etwas überhaupt hat: Ein Verstärkermodell in dem Röhren usw. simuliert werden. Wenn das so ist, wäre der Kemper auch aus der Sicht Syre (wenn ich ihn richtig verstanden habe) ein Modeller.
    Sein Punkt (von dem ich übrigens glaube, dass er Recht hat) war aber, dass der Kemper genau so etwas nicht hat, also modellierte Verstärkerbauteile.
    Ob man das trotzdem noch Modeller nennt oder nicht, bleibt wohl Ansichtssache.

    @Syre (und auch @CPHfx bzgl. der Anmerkung wegen dem Ton): Sorry, dass ich etwas pampig geworden bin. Ich habe mich aber schon ein bisschen angegriffen gefühlt. Vielleicht hätte ich mich etwas ausführlicher äußern sollen.
    Ich wollte mit der Aussage aber auch niemanden provozieren. Was ich aber auch nicht verstehen kann ist, wie man sich als Kemper User davon provozieren lassen kann oder persönlich angegriffen fühlt (das meine ich allgemein und beziehe ich auf niemanden persönlich!), wenn jemand der Meinung ist, der Kemper sei ein Modeller.
    Dadurch wird er doch nicht schlechter oder klingt anders...
    Wenn mir jemand erzählt, dass mein Kemper z.B. ein Apfelkuchen ist, werde ich ihn berichtigen, aber mich nicht angegriffen oder schlechter fühlen. So lange der Kemper so klingt, wie er klingt, ist doch alles okay.

    Offensichtlich gibt es da keine klare Definition, was ein Modeller ist und was nicht. Von daher, finde ich es etwas hart, mir Ahnungslosigkeit zu unterstellen. Ich weiß, dass der Ansatz von Kemper sich grundlegend von den Herangehensweisen anderer Modeller unterscheidet (Scan und Analyse des Endproduktes Sound vs. Digitale Nachbildung der Bausteine, die den Sound machen).
    Auch hier wird virtuell die Realität nachgebildet. Wenn dir das mit dem Sound nicht passt, weil das Modell eines Sounds wieder ein Sound ist, dann kann man das reale elektrische Signal, das vom Mikrofon produziert wird als Realität nehmen, die digital nachgebildet wird.

    Dass der Ansatz unterschiedlich ist, ändert aber nichts daran, dass auch im Kemper (wie CPHfx schon sagte) mathematisch modelliert wird. Wenn als Linguistiker dein Verständnis eines Modells ein anderes ist (und du selbst festgestellt hast, dass es wohl keine klare Definition gibt), heißt das nicht, dass ein etwas anderes Verständnis falsch ist und ich völlig ahnungslos bin. Ich bin bei der Vorstellung von Modellen eher bei @CPHfx .

    Dein zweites Problem sollte mit dem Kemper lösbar sein und wenn du den Kemper hast, kannst du damit sicherlich auch dein erstes Problem lösen.
    Falls du doch keinen Kemper kaufen möchtest, würde ich es zur Lösung des ersten Problems aber mal mit einem Equalizer (-Pedal) versuchen. Wenn das funktioniert, kommst du um einen Faktor 10-50 billiger weg, als wenn du einen Kemper kaufst.

    I'd like to be able to set a fixed flanger (or phaser) rate, even when rig tempo is enabled. I'd like to be able to decide, if the rate changes, when I use "tap tempo" for other effects, like delays.

    I think a good solution would be a switch in the effect settings (using the four buttons above the display), where you can choose whether to "use song tempo" or not.

    Hey folks!
    I am creating some rigs for my next gig and I have a problem with using a flanger in the same rig with a tap delay. The flanger rate should be set to a constant value in seconds, which is possible, when tempo is disabled.
    However, when I start using the tap delay, tempo becomes active and the flanger rate changes according to the rig tempo.
    Is it possible to have a constant flanger rate while still being able to use tap tempo for various delay times?

    So, whilst the looper functionality is in the Profiler and accessible via MIDI (albeit not fully), it's also clear that the company intent was to charge for it. I admire the historical community spirit of the Kemper in terms of finding little bits that make it better for everyone and I certainly admire the technical ability of the guys who know MIDI here but I have to wonder if this has crossed the line of what is right and what is wrong? I think it has....

    I think it hasn't. The Kemper is controlled by Midi Hardware and in my opinion, users have every right to send all the Midi messages, they want to the kemper. I think, the company may regret, that they haven't blocked it in earlier public firmware versions.
    Nevertheless, in my opinion, the company has every right to block it in current or future release versions, as they have never advertised this feature working without the remote.

    Some users complain about the 30 seconds. What would be the benefit of a 100 sec Looper?

    I guess for many purposes, 30 seconds are enough. I don't do this myself, but I know some guys who play around with loopers very much and create songs or parts of songs, for which 30 seconds are a bit short but I guess, this isn't the main purpose for the looper in the KPA.
    I would mainly use it to play patterns (like the mentioned 12 bar blues) and for many songs, this would be enough. But if you play a slow blues 30 seconds could be very tight.

    This is the last!

    The point I'm trying to make is Kemper just lost hundreds of potential customers of the Remote because someone "Community Hacked and reverse engineered" their product!

    You think, there are hundreds of customers, who buy the remote to get access to a 30second looper?
    I wouldn't do that and I don't think so, but who knows, if it's true.

    Companies don't run on goodwill! They run on people buying their products.

    Yeah, and they are advertising free feature updates and compatibilaty with usual midi controllers. So it's no surprise people ask for feature updates (which are coming quite regularly) and also for looper access via midi, as it seems to be possible from a technical point of view.
    Are you pissed because you bought the remote for looper access of why are you argueing against people who want to use it via midi?
    Also, there might be people out there who prefer (or need) other foot controllers in order to control other parts of their equipment, so the remote isn't the best solution for every kemper user.

    @Michael_dk - The text below is from this link:…rice-announced/?pageNo=7&

    Laimon: i'm not burkhard but i might be able to sheet some additional light on that: the looper is highly interactive and Remote is required for the feedback you need to operate it. buttons with multiple meanings and states (depending on the actual situation) require the multi LEDs and the display of Remote. without all the visual aid, you don't even know if you're in record or playback. we want to focus on making our looper great fun and that's why it turned out that Remote is requirement. other boards are not, gs

    I see why you don't support other boards but I still don't get the reason why you're actively blocking user efforts to get it to work.

    I think noone would blame kemper if it doesn't work properly as it is not officially supported.

    I dont think thats true either. I tested this the other day. Once youre above ~4 on the gain knob, clean sense does nothing. I set a profile to 4.5 and cranked clean sense and tried to see if the tone was any different than clean sense at minimum. There was no change in tone at all. So it has no bearing on input clipping afail

    It does change the input Gain when being below 4 on Gain. It surely results in higher overall volume but this is due to more input gain. Try setting Gain below 4 and crank clean sense up: It will result in input clipping.
    The overall volume increases just like it does, when you play a clean amp setting and change to higher output pickups.

    They should hurry up, removing this limitation to non remote users, because as the remotes just started shipping, anyone who bought it because of the looper features could still send it back and noone has the right to be pissed about making the looper available to everyone.
    I'm pretty sure, there aren't many people who would actually send their remotes back for this reason.

    They should change the advertising from "exclusive looper effect" to "easy access to the looper effect".