Posts by starsend

    Can I ask you guys a question? I have uploaded the profiles and they show on the website's rig exchange, but they don't appear on the rig manager app. Does it just take a while or am I doing something wrong?

    Hi everyone,

    I just posted a few profiles to the rig exchange. These are taken from my Rockman collection. There's a few Sustainer and Distortion Generator sounds. Some of them are 100% accurate. A couple might be 95%, but it would be nearly impossible to tell when not comparing them directly.

    I hope you enjoy them!

    Hi! The profiles are up on the rig exchange. Things went pretty smoothly, although there was one insurmountable problem with the cleanest channel of the Sustainer. For some reason after I took the profile, the output of the kemper went absolutely crazy. I'll try to figure it out later. But for now, there are a few profiles up on the rig exchange. Hope you guys enjoy them!

    Alright then, I'm off to the Studio to make some profiles these will be my first ones so be gentle!

    Thanks for the warm welcome!

    This week I'll try my hand at some profiling. I have some old Rockman gear in great condition and I saw the offer was pretty limited on the exchange. Would anyone be interested? Should I start a Have Amp thread in the free profiles section?


    Hi everyone,

    just wanted to say hello and that I look forward to reading and contributing to these forums! You guys seem like a friendly and helpful bunch... :)

    Nice to meet you all and I can't wait to swap some nice profiles with you!