Posts by acroberts

    Deja thread: Editor pétition.

    Congrats boys, we are nearing the 27 page mark, where the last longish "we need an editor" conversation took place. In 2013.

    What do we know?
    - We've been told, kinda, maybe, that *an* engineer was hired to work on an editor.
    - There seems to be a divided camp in terms of new reverb algorithms vs. editor. Totally understandable. If I were waving a magic wand, I'd say get the Reverbs nailed down before the editor.
    - Kemper Kamp, as is habit, has remained vague and non-committal (in terms of reverb release) on both sides. Maybe it was the delayed Delays of 2016 that has quashed the promise of features and prediction of release date. Hush-hush from Kemper is part of their culture. This is too bad, as over in Fractal World, communication, releases and fixes are fast a furious. Hell, the captain of the ship over there is known to directly answer questions from the masses. Different strokes.

    OK, head back in sand. Hopefully this knob won't wear out...

    I still like everyone should ask themselves the important question: "Do I want/need a software editor so bad that I will accept that Kemper stops developing the KPA (no new fx, improved UI, improved midi spec...) for a year or two?

    I'll answer. Yes, 100% yes.

    I'll also answer another question posed earlier, which was to name specifics.

    Kemper has done a wonderful job with recent OS upgrades. Morphing is pretty cool and the new delays are beautiful. I have tons more amps at my personal disposal for the Kemper than I would have for any other option. I don't need much in terms of drives. The new delays are awesome. The reverbs are fine. Outside of better reverbs and drives, I'd pretty pretty satisfied for a long time in terms of in-the-box capabilities.

    Here's the deal, for me, anyhow. I have had a Kemper & Kemper Foot Controller for a year, and an AX8 for 6 months or so. The AX8 naturally stole attention as the new, shiny thing. After the shininess wore off, I've stuck with the AX8.

    The difference? Editor.

    I work at a desk with a computer, and with a guitar strapped on, and using a keyboard and mouse is easier than twisting knobs and mashing buttons. It just is. For me, anyhow.

    I am also weary of any component that wears out. I'm convinced that long term, after a few years of knob twisting, I will need to replace Kemper components. Feel free to enlighten me if I should not be concerned about this.

    If you are going to tell me to stop bitching about twisting knobs and just play, that's not an answer. I happen to like digging into options and creating patches and my weekly set list many times includes 2-3 new songs. Creating new stuff is a part of what this technology is all about.

    Maybe I'd twist less knobs and push less buttons if I spent more time with the Kemper to memorize where everything is.

    That all said, to get what I need done, the lack of an editor is the reason I use my Fractal gear over my Kemper gear, and I believe an editor would draw me back to the Kemper.

    Not even that. Just a "Remote Control" for the Kemper would be fine. I don't need the Rig Manager Part integrated (but i'd take it). I'd just like to be able to adjust amp settings, add effects and edit their settings and and maybe some of the system settings. I just hate that i have to use the small display and nested menus for testing all the new and shiny delays we got with 5.0...

    +1 - right on the nose. I have the desire to navigate anywhere on the Kemper menu via something else than mashing buttons and turning knobs. And, I have 46-year-old eyes that would prefer a computer screen over the built-in display. We are all assuming the Kemper will continue to evolve and advance, and with that comes more options and menus, which will only fuel the requests for an editor.

    As for modifying patches not stored on the physical Kemper. To my knowledge, you must be connected to a Helix or Fractal device to get anything done. I don't think anyone is implying this as part of the request here. It's a matter of modifying the active patch that is being used on the KPA at the time of editing would accomplish the task.

    I hear some some boosted high headroom high wattage fenderesque amp with firm lows and tight attack.

    Had a quick go with some twin from RE. Added some boosting and tightening the lows with a treble booster in front. First part is having compressor as booster in front and second part is using some amp block compression instead.

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    Sounds great! :)

    Care to share the setting you used above?

    Feel free to flame me, but after waiting for those promised delays, I bought an AX8 with the cash I would have laid out for a few Strymon pedals for my Kemper. I figured maybe I'd use the AX8 as a standalone unit a times, and other times in the effects loop of the Kemper for delays, etc.

    The AX8, however, has relegated my KPA to an expensive decoration.

    Since being released last fall, Fractal has released 3 major firmware updates with significant feature updates and tone upgrades.

    I am in love with the AX8 editor, which was also just upgraded.

    My answer to the "just play and shut up" crowd around here is that many who are attracted to modeling and profiling technology, tweaking is part of the fun. Tweaking and paging around on the Kemper front panel, though, just sucks. Especially when compared to their biggest competitor's solution.

    Then again, maybe I'm just a gear whore who has officially reached the grouchy "get of my lawn" stage in life.

    Play on, fellas.

    Tried 'em all and ForScore was the winner here. Ability to access stuff stored on DropBox, Google Drive etc from within the app is awesome.

    I have all of my sheet music out on Google Drive now. Pre-created PDFs are uploaded and anything I create by hand, I do in Google Docs and save to PDF.

    PS - if you are every looking for lead sheets, Google the name of the song and add 'PDF' to the search - depending on what you are looking for, you may be astounded at what all you find.

    Glad to hear you are coming back online! You might want to talk to you webmaster or host to redirect traffic to an "Under Construction" page or something. I was looking to buy a few things from you yesterday and was redirected to something that my browser thought was shady...

    Count me as another interested party if and when you guys dial up some good Bethel, Hillsong tone. Also covering City Harmonic, Switchfoot, Phil Wickam, Needtobreathe, as well as the 'typical' newer P&W stuff on my end. Really pumped about some of the new delays and reverbs coming down later this year!