Posts by soulrebelno1

    I've no experience with MacBooks I'm afraid, but, you shouldn't have to restart Rig Manager every time you want to sync it with your Kemper? Is it something to do with the Thunderbolt port or Apple security? I think that's what happened on my machine after a Windows update. I reinstalled RM a number of times but nothing worked. I uninstalled RM, keeping my rigs and settings, and reinstalled it, and it still didn't work! It was only when I updated the driver manually did it recognise my laptop. Now, I can now unplug my USB cable and plug it back in again, and RM recognises my Kemper Rack. Sorry I can't help you.

    Glad it worked. I'd tried everything; a few reinstalls, nothing worked. In the end I disconnected the USB cable, uninstalled Rig Manager, keeping my imported local rigs and settings, then I rebooted and reinstalled RM - it still wouldn't work! Sweating profusely, it was only when I went into Windows Device Manager, that I found a '?' next to the RM driver, so I thought there maybe something wrong. I did an update on the USB driver which is a safe thing to do, and, finally, it magically connected again. Now, everything's back to normal - phew, panic over - I'm rockin' again!

    If you are having a synching problem with Rig Manager when running Windows 10, you might need to update the USB driver.

    Start > Right Click > Device Manager > Other Devices > Select Rig Manager (usually has a '?')> Right Click > Update Driver.


    If you are having a synching problem when running Windows 10, you might need to update the USB driver.

    Start > Right Click > Device Manager > Other Devices > Select Rig Manager > Right Click > Update Driver.

    Updating the driver fixed my problem with Rig Manager 3v0_136 (Windows 64-bit) not recognising my laptop just after a Windows update. The driver had a '?' next to it, so I'm not sure if it was something like Windows Security and access rights stopping the driver being updated. :/

    My Profiler wasn't synching with my laptop which is running Windows 10, when I installed Rig Manager, version 3.0_136 (Windows 64-bit). I went into Device Manager (right click on Windows Start), and under 'Other Devices' I selected Rig Manager and updated the driver. Rig Manger then synch'd okay over my USB connection. I've never had this USB problem before? Maybe it was Windows Security, because I'd just received a Windows update.

    Glad it worked out. I think you will be doing a lot of tweaking, because you'll be hearing things that weren't there before!

    I was doing the same with the DT25 cab and thought the G12's sounded warmer and the Kone harsher. I have the Kone currently installed in an open back 1 X 12 that I stuck a piece of plywood behind. But when I A/B-ed them one in left ear, one in right, the G12H-90 sounded a little blanketed. Then I ran backing tracks thru them the Kone was much more articulate so I guess I will keep it and put it in a Mojotone Baltic Birch 1x12 with 3 piece back, so I can run it open or closed.

    I found that the definition setting in the amp section makes an even bigger difference now I've got the KEMPER Kone speakers fitted. It usually sounds good around the 4 to 6 mark, but it depends a lot on the profile. I've also had to knock back my EQ settings a little, because the Kone is much more responsive than my old Celestion G12H-90 speakers.

    Victory V112-V 1x12 Compact Cab, redwood pine used on the top and sides, and Baltic birch ply used on the backs and the baffles, fitted with a 1x12" Celestion Vintage 30 speaker - £399.

    A Harley Benton G112 Vintage, 18mm poplar ply, fitted with a 1x 12" Celestion Vintage 30 speaker - £111!

    I'm just thankful I bought two Line 6 DT25 112 extension cabinets when I did. It's over four years ago now, and I still think they're the best looking 1x12 cab out there. Designed by tube-amp guru Reinhold Bogner, and made from Baltic birch ply. They sounded fantastic with the 12" custom Celestion G12H-90 speaker; they sound even better with the KEMPER Kone!

    Sounds a bit expensive!

    Personally, I would probably go for the Harley Benton G112 Vintage cabinet (plywood) from Thomann. It comes fitted with a 1x12" Celestion Vintage 30 speaker, all you need to do is just swap it out for a KEMPER Kone. Then, either sell Celestion Vintage 30 speaker, or use it for something else, it's a bargain for €129!

    There's also the empty Palmer 1-12 Cabinet Unloaded (MDF) from Thomann, for €104, or the Harley Benton G112 (MDF) for €79.

    There's a few options on the Thomann website.

    I've got a pair of Line 6 DT25 extension cabs, and I was always impressed with the bottom end response from such a small cab, it's similar in design to the NL12. When I replaced the stock Celestion G12H-90 speakers with the Kemper Kone's, I had more of everything: bottom, middle, and, especially, the top end. But, what was even more striking, was the definition coming out of those little cabs. Because of the wider frequency response, and the speaker imprint technology, each rig can now sound the way it was meant to sound. So, a Marshall profile can use a Celestion speaker imprint, or a Fender profile can use something like the C12N imprint. Now, I'm not stuck with one sound like I was before the Kemper Kone came along.

    The Kemper Kone frequency response is 50-10,000 Hz, your average Celestion speaker, say something like a G12H, will be about 75-5,000 Hz, which obviously, is going to make a big difference sonically. You've also got the Kemper Profiler's DSP working its magic behind the scenes, all I know is that my KPA has never sounded better.

    The Line 6 Celestion G12H-90 speakers fitted in my DT25 112 extension cabs were excellent, but they're not a patch on the KEMPER Kone. Because of the superior frequency response of the Kone, you can really hear the difference between the various speaker imprints. The difference in sound is on another level, they seem to reproduce every nuance of the profiled amp. That lovely creamy valve amp tone just comes shining through; they're well worth the extra money.

    Have you thought about putting a pair of small ports in the front of your cab, it let the speaker "breathe", or is it open-back cab? Also, has it got baffling on the inside? The sound out of the Line 6 cabs is huge, the bass response is amazing for the size. The closed-back, front-ported design, and the baffling, really seems to make a big difference.

    I haven't made the name yet, it's just a mock-up image I was trying out. I might try to print it out properly using my laser printer and some waterslide decal paper, which is surprisingly tough stuff. But, if Kemper sold stickers - problem solved!

    I bought them well over four years ago, and they were a bargain, about £150 each! I got one from DV247, and the other one from GAK. It doesn't look like Line 6 is selling them these days, which is a pity, they're a great extension cab. Sightly wider at the bottom, than the top, closed back, with dual front ports, just like the KEMPER Kabinet! A good weight as well, not too heavy. The sound out of them is huge, it's amazing for the size, there's absolutely tons of bottom end, you certainly don't need a 4x12. They sound even better with a KEMPER Kone fitted. You really only need one, but I like a big stereo spread when using modulation or echo FXs. I can't understand why Line 6 has stopped selling them, because they still sell the amp; it's a bit of a mystery?


    I bought the KEMPER Kone 2x12" Set, and they arrived on 23rd March 2020 - lock-down day in the UK - how lucky was I! I replaced the speakers in my Line 6 DT25 cabs straight away, and the sound difference was immediate due to the better frequency response, 50-10,000 Hz, compared to about 55-5,000Hz from the Line 6 Celestion G12H-90 speakers. If you thought the Kemper Profiler Amp couldn't get any better - it just has!

    The KEMPER Kone is rated at 200 watts at 4 Ohms; the Celestion G12H-90 speakers were only 90 watts at 8 Ohms. I use a Palmer Macht 402 power amp with my KPA rack unit, and that can pump out 200 watts per channel at 4 Ohms, so now I can use its full output, but, I would never need that much volume - ever! The sound from the Line 6 Celestion G12H-90 speakers was excellent, with tons of bass, but obviously, limited. But, now, with the two KEMPER Kone's fitted, it's a whole new experience. The sound coming out of my cabs is fantastic, and glorious in stereo. I've got more bottom end, great mids, and of course, I now have a much better top end response, something I've always wanted. It's that good, I've had to alter all my EQs! Another bonus is I no longer need to use my headphones all the time, because of the KEMPER Kone's wider frequency response. The various speaker imprints are great, my favourite is the Celestion G12H Heritage speaker, and I also have a load of new speaker settings to mess about with.

    I really like the look of the Line 6 DT25 cab, it has a sort of 50s Fender vibe about it. It was designed by amp guru Reinhold Bogner, and I can't help but notice how similar the KEMPER Kabinet is, in looks, and in size? Because it was so similar, it was the main reason I upgraded my Line 6 cabs - plus, it saved me a ton of cash! I didn't fancy using the supplied Kemper stencil on the front of my cabs, instead I'm going to alter the logo somehow. I just wished Kemper would do some type of bumper/window sticker, it would make things a lot easier. Wouldn't be great if Kemper sold merchandise like t-shirts, hats, and other stuff. I've mocked up a photo just to see how the Line 6 cab would look with a Kemper logo (see pic).

    I can't gig any more, but now I have a wall of sound (see pic) - I call it my happy place. 8)

    It's the amp-in-the-room-thing. But, you can't feel it at very large venues, and you have to go through a PA because no one would be able to hear you. The days of walls of 4x12 speakers cabs has gone, because PAs are just so good these days. Although, some bands still like to give the impression that it still happens. Most of the speaker cabs will be backups or a dummy cab.

    Basically, it all depends on the size of the venue you're playing. I would go direct into the PA at large venues, and use a cab at small venues. But, if you're happy going through a PA all the time, then go with that. Less gear to lug around!

    I used to use Reaper years ago, and it's not bad.

    But, I eventually went with FL Studio by Image-Line, which used to be called FruityLoops. It's been around since 1997, and has matured nicely over the years.

    You can download the free trial here: FL Studio downloads.

    The main reasons I went with FL Studio is because, not only is it an excellent DAW, but I really like Image-Line's attitude. You don't feel like you're being ripped-off. If you like the program, then it's just a one time purchase. You just choose which edition you want, and then that's it. After that, all future software updates are free for life. All you have to pay for in the future are add-ons, that's if you require them. A cheaper option is to upgrade to another edition which already has the add-ons included.

    A few people on the forum have said that the speaker imprints don't sound that great through a PA.

    Personally, I think the best option, if required, would be to mic up a KEMPER Kabinet, or a cab with a KEMPER Kone in it. I've just swapped out two Line 6 DT25 cabs that were fitted with Celestion G12H-90 speakers, and installed KEMPER Kone's. The cabs have never sounded better.

    Kemper also state: "The KEMPER Kone is a 12“ full range speaker which is exclusively designed by Celestion for KEMPER. It is controlled and driven by the KEMPER PROFILER’s DSP to an ultra-linear (full range) frequency response, using a dedicated DSP algorithm. In contrast to the conventional idea of a full range system, the radiation pattern of the KEMPER Kone™ has been narrowed towards the physics of a classic guitar speaker chassis, so that even the full range sound carries a distinct guitar speaker character, unlike regular PA speakers or monitor speakers."