Posts by UtahBlues

    Have lunchbox with remote and Dunlop Volume (X) expression pedal.

    Connected to remote with good TRS cable EXP jack on pedal Pedal 3 input on remote.

    System menu: Pedal 3, Mode = Pedal Type 1, Function = Wah Wah, Calibrated fine

    Rig has Wah Wah loaded in stomp A, Pedal mode = Bypass@stop

    When configured as volume it works fine but as described does not work. There is a slight volume increase in middle of stroke but no wah effect.

    What am I missing?

    The HS8s do not sound like NS-10s. The similarity ends at the white cone. HS8s are much more neutral but still not "flat". They sound really good for the price point and translate well. More money just buys you more detail for professional mixing. Definitely agree on the room treatment. A non treated room will make even the best monitors sound wrong.

    I had just unpacked and set up my new Atomic active CLR with my toaster. Very excited! Plugged everything in and no sound. Checked all cables, good, still no sound. Check levels, good, still no sound. &*%*#, I bought a @&#$ lemon... Nope, gotta turn the CLR power on, dummy!!! To my shame, the entire episode was witnessed by my son. Older certainly doesn't always mean wiser!

    I have HS80s and a Atomic CLR. The HS80s are fine for home use, The HS8s are slightly better still. Unless you plan on doing extensive mixing professionally, I would not spend that kind of dough on the Focals, especially if your going to be making payments on them.

    Hello everyone, Been listening to clips for a couple of years now but it took a back injury to make me pull the trigger. My Mesa Lonestar is just too damn heavy so I just bought a Kemper Toaster from a local guitarist that upgraded to a rack.

    My first question: Where the heck do I start? So much content to read, So many options to try. so many Profiles. Yikes, I could be trapped in my studio for years. What's the best way to get up and running quickly? I'm a former tube amp snob(ish) I like to plug in and go but I see that I will have to learn this thing well to get to it's full potential. With so many professional profiles available I will probably not be profiling my own amp until I have it set up for live gigging first.

    My current setup: Mesa Boogie Lonestar Classic 212 first edition. I use the clean channel and I use pedals for overdive/distortion. Bogner Blue/Red, VS Double Trouble, Dunlop 535Q Wah all of which I love. The big one though is the Mesa's tube Reverb, It is absolutely delicious. I real happy with my current my tones but I also love all the great Fender and Marshall sounds. Dumble also. Big fan of Jimi and Stevie but also like Billy Gibbons tone on the earlier albums.

    I play mainly blues, older R&B, blues rock & classic rock. I play Fender and Prs Guitars.

    I want to get my sound set down first, then if I am happy with the sounds through my studio monitors, Yamaha HS80s and B&W CDM1's then I will invest in the foot controller and a CLR wedge. (on the waiting list)

    Glad to be here and am looking forward to getting to know some of you. Any help getting me started will be greatly appreciated.

    Cheers, Jon