Posts by Danides

    No. Together with the missing Editor and better reliability. That's why other manufacturers are still on the market, otherwise the quality of profiles/guitar tones is the best IMO.
    I would pay an extra to have the Strymon algorhythms on board and some good overdrive stomps.

    Hello, I would use my IEM wired to the KPA. I sent the mix of the band in the xlr return and balanced the volumes but I hear the band only on one side, GT is in both.
    how can I hear the band in both ears?
    i play everything in mono.
    Adding a panpot for GT and for alternate input/Return would be great in Phones Out.
    Thank you

    I often need to be very precise with volume changes on my expression pedal and it would be really helping a line or two of pixels on the remote as a visual feedback.
    Also it wouldn't take significant space on the display.
    Maybe someone else would assign their favorite pedal function like wha or pitch.

    I could never understand the complaints about the FX section. I think the KP has some of the best sounding reverbs and delays I have come across. The leslie and the phaser is great as well. I have had Strymon, TC, Lexicon and the likes, I do not think they sound better (in fact I prefer KP).
    I record into Logic X everyday (loaded with waves, NI and other plugins) and often enough I decide to use the delay and reverb from the Kemper.
    OK, the big muff could be addressed in future updates. Tube driver model would be great as well.....


    I compared carefully the Strymon Timeline and Mobius and the Neunaber Wet to the kemper and the difference in quality is clear, even if the Kemper fx are pretty good.
    If you prefer the K to a Waves o Lexicon it is your choice but not many people would agree with you that it is the same quality (or better).

    The name of the thread is "what don't you like about your KPA" and I would feel free to say what I don't like without so many people feeling offended.
    The Kemper is a great piece of gear, it is not a religion or your favorite football team.

    Tonight I was reahearsing and I activated the looper on the remote, it suddenly freezed and turned off. I rebooted three times and always the off display with "waiting for connection", I did a system reset (lost some settings) and after another reboot it came back to life. I'm on OS 3.3. This isn't the first time that something similar happens, I am scared that it happens in front of an audience. Please don't tell me what the Kemper assistance wrote me some days ago; to buy another Kemper for backup....
    The Kemper is really great, but it isn't the Holy Grail, some functions or fx or reliability could be better. Please let me express it, at least in the appropriate topic.


    The name of the thread is "what don't you like about your KPA" and I referred to that.
    I like many things about my KPA and you listed them, otherwise I was already selling it.

    I'm quite old too, but I'm also used to technology, I produce on DAWs I can use most VST and plugins without problems, I can use most digital and analog mixers but I'm taking more time than usual to deal with the KPA, maybe the display is too small (especially without an editor) and mine had burned a line of the display after 4 months of use (and great care) just two days ago ;( .
    I believe that changing many tones quickly is not new, what is new is the upgraded quality of tones.
    By the way, yes, I'm getting old too and I notice that I have less patience and I enjoy playing more than tweaking :rolleyes: .
    Thanks for your answer, it really helped my thoughts :)

    I don't like that I spend more time on the forum trying to learn/fix things than I do playing my guitar.

    I don't like the bugs, the poor quality of some effects, the missing editor, the never ending learning curve.

    I would pay an extra to have the Strymon algorhitms integrated.

    ... ho impostato da System "volume" su "pedal 6" e ho dovuto modificare ogni suono, da "Rig" il range (per un volume min e max) e impostato per ognuno "pre effect"

    Se usi la funzione LOCK non hai bisogno di impostare il pedale in ogni rig singolarmente

    The first thing I'd do if I had to pay live every day is downgrade to a release firmware.

    I tried the beta only because I'm at home for some weeks and have the time to check if it is reliable, if not I switch back to a release. I was unhappy with the OS 3.2.1 that I had for months. The bugs are also in the official releases, and I hoped in a better quality of the fx.
    I don't think anyway that a beta can burn lines on the display.

    I have the KPA for 4 months and the remote for 1 week. Everything always worked.
    Turning on my KPA this morning it didn't work correctly, it was kind of frozen and the remote wasn't working at all. A line on the KPA display was (and still is) blank (see picture)
    I was on OS 4.0.0
    I did a system reset with no success and than a flash memory erase.
    I upgraded to OS 4.0.1 and rebooted. Restored my backup.
    Still the remote was giving the "WAITING FOR CONNECTION" for minutes, i rebooted than it started blinking like a Christmas tree with a weird image on the screen.
    I rebooted two times and now it seems it works. The display on the KPA seems burned forever.
    In less than two weeks I start playing live every single day for four months, I'm a little scared to rely only on my KPA, it doesn't seem reliable, and I always treated like a little baby, maximum care.
    Anyway now I would fix the display, anybody had to return the KPA for fixing? How long do they take to send it back?
    I wrote to the support, just had the answer, it's a hardware problem and I should send them the KPA.

    Danides, might you be experiencing the fact that if you don't lock the Input, each rig imports its own CS and DS settings?

    I locked the input at first with my settings for my guitar and there I had the differences, I had to disengage it to compensate each profile.. the most "loud" seem to be the TAF

    It depends on the output of your pickups. If they are very high output, then yes.

    It seems to me that depends also on the origin of the profile. some profiles are "louder" than others and with the same guitar and same CS settings, a clean profile has a correct input and another one can overload the input.

    Also I don't understand how some profiles with correct input settings can overload the output without stomps or fx activated and all the levels to zero. Usually when you don't touch the signal it outputs at the same level as input, how can it overload the output itself?
    Anyway I had to set my CS one by one.

    Be', secondo me richiede soprattutto la lettura dei manuali ;)

    Felice che tu abbia risolto! :thumbup:

    Ho letto il manuale e non sono neanche uno sprovveduto in materia (sono un tecnico del suono e ho fatto anche per anni il sound designer per la Roland japan) magari sto invecchiando, quello si ;(
    il problema, secondo me, ė che ci sono diversi controlli in diverse sezioni che interagiscono tra loro e non é sempre intuitivo il modo in cui questo succede, e anche fattori esterni come il monitor usato (ho capito che il mio enfatizzava le frequenze del wha) o la qualitá del pedale di espressione.
    Servono molte ore di "smanettamento" per capire più a fondo il funzionamento di una macchina cosí aperta, e credo che sia questo il motivo del grande successo di questo forum, ci si aiuta l'un l'altro ad accorciare i tempi di apprendimento e capire le possibilitá di uso. Quando avevo il Pod non ero iscritto a nessun forum.
    Finora ho dovuto dedicare gran parte del tempo a suonare e non ho potutto approfondire le cose che non ho capito da solo. L'assenza di un editor non aiuta.
    Mi scuso sinceramente se ho portato via del tempo a voi per un problema che potevo risolvere da solo.
    Grazie comunque per l'aiuto.


    Ok, sono intervenuto in diversi modi, su Manual e Peak, sul Clean Sens e altri parametri.
    Un paio di volte il KPA è anche andato in tilt per un problema di comunicazione col Rig Manager, mi ha chiesto di fare una foto allo schermo (!) e di riavviarlo.
    Non so cosa sia successo veramente ma ora se abbasso il volume del wha sento veramente che quando si attiva c'è una riduzione reale del volume effettato! Sinceramente non so se dipenda dalle variazioni ai parametri che ho fatto... non so spiegarlo, sta di fatto che adesso risponde bene :).
    Comunque la curva di apprendimento di questa macchina richiede veramente dei tempi lunghi.
    Grazie a tutti per l'aiuto

    Ciao, sei sicuro che stai usando un wah puro e non un boost wah o qualcosa del genere? Come sono le varie impostazioni di settaggio dei due pedali in System e in Rig?

    -In "System" mi sembra che ci sia poco da regolare... Pedal Type (per la polarità) e Function (non ho capito cosa diavolo sia Artist Mode ma va be'..)
    -In Rig vedo solo il controllo "Volume Pedal Settings" che sta in "Pre Effects" il Range è a -5
    - Se seleziono l'opzione "WhaPedal to Vol." visualizzo le variazioni del valore del pedale ma il suono è identico
    -In Stomp A è selezionato l'effetto "Wha Wha" con settaggi: Manual 4.1 Peak 8.1 Pedal Range +25% Peak Range -41% Pedal Mode "Bypass@stop" Mix 100% Ducking 0.0 Volume -5.0
    Non ci sono altri Stomps attivi, gli effetti sono uno Studio Equalizer con -1,8 db a 586Hz Q 0.70 e volume a +2, dly e rev il profilo è il Dumble CLN 4 di MBritt l'aumento di volume PERCEPITO è avvertibile ma forse misurato in db non c'è. Magari il wha enfatizza frequenze che a parità di pressione sonora suonano più "forti" all'orecchio? (curva di Fletcher-Munson per intenderci).
    Sui distorti il controllo di Volume nello slot del wha non può stare a -5 nè a valori molto diversi da 0 perchè viene influenzata di molto la quantità di distorsione pur non percependosi grandi variazioni di volume. Potrei sbagliare ma qui, secondo me, c'è una reazione innaturale del Kemper...

    I settaggi del wha sono corretti per avere un effetto di wha standard? L'altro ieri suonavo con un mio amico che ha un Real McCoy RMC5 e il kemper sfigurava a confronto.

    Sta di fatto che se sto accompagnando e decido di mettere il piede sul wha il dislivello è fastidioso. Proverò ad abbassare il valore di Manual, magari aiuta, cosa altro posso fare, a questo punto sono sicuro che dipenda da una regolazione sbagliata.
    Un'altra difficoltà che ho è l'escursione del pedale di espressione, secondo me è troppo grande in un pedale di espressione standard e diventa difficoltoso aprire e chiudere tutto il pedale velocemente quando si usa il wha, siccome non voglio spendere un'esagerazione per un Mission, sto pensando di modificare un vecchio CryBaby e usarlo come pedale di espressione. L'escursione e l'angolo sarebbero ottimali, o almeno sarebbero quelli che uso da una vita (ho sempre usato un vecchio Vox originale).
    Per il volume vorrei sfruttare il mio vecchio Roland EV-5. E' una buona soluzione?
    Ho appena ordinato il Remote, prima avevo una FCB1010 e non mi trovavo per niente con i pedali di espressione.
    Personalmente preferisco avere due pedali distinti per volume e wha/pitch piuttosto che uno a due potenziometri.

    OT- Chiederei ai progettisti Kemper di inserire un valore di "release" programmabile nella funzione "Bypass@stop", a volte vorrei poter rimanere più a lungo su una particolare frequenza del wha e invece questo si disattiva inesorabilmente appena fermo il piede.

    Uff quante parole e quante domande... chiedo scusa e vi ringrazio per la pazienza.

    the only person who's forcing you to do something is you. don't change the system if you don't like to. and if you change it, make sure you _read_ the documentation before you do so. if you update rig manager or the profiler operating system, chances are that you have to update the other part as well. it says so on the website in the download section.

    Rig Manager popped up a message on the screen and asked me to upgrade in order to keep accessing the Kemper, It wasn't written in the message that I had to upgrade my OS as well.
    By the way I downgraded to Rig Manager 1.3.5 to access the old OS I had (3.2.11625) but it kept saying that I couldn't access my Kemper without upgrading. I upgraded Rig Manager and still couldn't access without upgrading the OS.
    Maybe I did something wrong or maybe the communication wasn't so clear, it seems from the answers to my post that other people felt the same as me....

    The Kemper is great, you give a really good support and maybe I did a mistake or maybe someone else did. After all we're ALL humans, and I was just trying to understand and solve my problem, you sound a bit "pushy" please be nicer to someone who gave you his hard earned money and who's promoting your products to other people.