Posts by LaTruffe

    There may be a switch on the scarlett which let you choose LINE or INSTR, so I guess XLR or jack would work as well.

    To record, this is what I would do to get stereo signal :
    Kemper jack (or XLR if LINE/INSTR works as expected) ) main out to the Scarlett's inputs and then you could plug the Scarlett outs to your studio monitors.
    Try the direct monitor switch in the scarlett to let the sound from the Kemper bypass the DAW so you'll have no latency (but still recording). This way you'll have all signals comming from your DAW in your monitors, and only 2 cables out from the Kemper.

    Le plus simple semble quand même de passer par Rig Manager : Ctrl + F pour taguer favori, un clique droit de souvenir sur l'entête des colonnes te permet d'en ajouter ou supprimer suivant tes besoins.
    Tu filtres ensuite en fonction de ce que tu recherches, soit via la search box, soit en cliquant sur la colonne dans rig manager pour tri les rigs en fonction.

    Mais que ce soit avec Rig Manager ou directement via le Kemper directement, tu peux sélectionner n'importe quel profile pour le taguer "favorite".
    Pour le faire via le Kemper, d'après le manuel :
    Favorite Rigs
    Favorite Rigs are indicated by a small asterisk (“*”) on the right side of the Play Screen.
    You can manually flag (or unflag) Rigs as “Favorite” in two ways:
     Push the RIG button for about two seconds on the Play Screen in Browse Mode.
     Push soft button 2 “Favorite” in the Rig Setttings.

    Donc tu sélectionnes dans le menu Browser le rig que tu veux taguer favori, tu appuies deux secondes sur le bouton "rig", un astérisque apparaît.
    Et si tu veux uniquement naviguer parmi ces favoris, toujours dans le menu Browser, soit tu tournes le bouton Type et sélectionnes "Favorites", soit tu appuies sur le bouton "All rigs" jusqu'à ce qu'il affiche "Favorites".

    Pour le Perform, c'est autre chose. Ça pourrait te servir aussi mais je te renvoie vers le manuel pour ce dernier, personnellement je ne l'utilise pas pour le moment, ce sera pour le jour où j'en aurai besoin pour du live.

    Ok, fun game, curious to hear different guitar/pickups with the same profile.

    So, Eclipse E-II, with SH-4 JB, ...half step down here:

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    But if you want to get sound from the headphones of the Kemper, you'll have to send the signal back to the Kemper.

    What I do (didn't try since a moment so I may be wrong, but it worked :) )
    Guitar --> Trio Input >> Fx Send --> Kemper Input >> FX Send (have to add a loop in the Kemper too) --> Trio Return and then mix the Amp out and Mixer out from the Trio (maybe I should use the headphones out here, but from the manual it may add some cab simulation) --> Return Input of the Kemper.

    Then I have all the sound coming from the Kemper (I'm getting the sound from my soundcard, so I also send the Kemper out to the soundcard, but I guess the headphones output should work as well).

    - The bad : all that is running before the loop in the Kemper will be in Mono, as the Trio+ is.
    And the looper used in the trio will be affected by all effects placed after this loop.

    The good is I can still use the looper of the Tio+ while all the sound is coming from the Kemper.

    I had hesitated too... but I ended with a trio+ instead, which is imono anyway. I don't really mind the few ms latency I'm getting using my DAW ...and I still can plug the Kemper directly in my monitors (which have 2x2 input, so still can play some music with). to get the stereo without any latency.
    Up to you :).


    Same configuration here, but I no problem to run the Kemper in stereo through monitors. As long as I don't use the "Direct monitor" option of the 2i2 cause this will mix the stereo signal in one mono :(.
    So this will add some latency, but I think i go to something like 12ms, wich can be noticeable but don't bother me too much.

    I use the two input of the 2i2 --> Reaper --> a track with stereo input : Input1 / input2 and have record monitoring on to have the Kemper in stereo.

    Hope it helps.