Posts by KBPChristian

    I have a KPA at home and another one in the rehearsal studio. Used to keep them synchronized by backup/restore. No issue until I installed the beta OS version on the device at home.

    After restoring from a backup I made with 7.1.14 I noticed several performances were missing on the KPA that runs 7.1.5. Seemingly some if not all rigs that have been modified on the 7.1.14 system cannot be imported to 7.1.5.


    Same problem here. The 'Wah pedal to vol' option has been a nice idea but doesn't really cut it as long as volume goes to 100% with each rig change.

    I do hope that Christoph's thoughts one day will result in the solution we all hope for: If there is no wahwah in the rig let the pedal act like a volume pedal does, that is leave the volume as set by the pedal. If there is a wahwah set volume to 100%. Should be easy for the programmer to find out if there is a wahwah in the rig or not and let the firmware act accordingly.

    I am really waiting for that ... until that day the 'Wah pedal to vol' option makes no sense for me.

    The pedal goes into one of the SWITCH / PEDAL jacks on the backside. It can either act as wah or volume pedal. Select the function on the SYSTEM screen. If you select wah you may also chose the the WahPedal to Vol. option on the RIG screen, so that you have a volume pedal if the wah is not used in a rig, or the wah pedal if it is. That's what this thread is about.


    It might appear as a trap when you set the volume to zero, then switch zo a wah rig and hear nothing - not even the wah moving.

    Can you think of an advantageous situation where the wah rigs are at max volume, but the non-wah-rigs are at the lower volume set by the pedal? Would this make sense?

    I want to reassert: For those who use a global master volume pedal that would definitely make more sense than the current behaviour. I have very few wah rigs and dozens of volume rigs on my KPA. This is what the Wah to Vol.Pedal option is meant for, isn't it? But I cannot use it as long as every rig I select starts at maximum volume.

    In the KPA software it should be easy to tell a wah rig from a volume rig. Avoiding the supposed 'trap' should be a breeze.

    I do not like this intended behaviour at all. I'd very much prefer to have the volume frozen at the position set by the pedal, when a wah rig is selected. Or, if that is not possible in the software, set to max volume, because the wah rig is chosen for soloing most of the time anyway.

    It is much easier to learn that you should not set the pedal to zero before selecting a wah rig than resetting the volume pedal every time you change the rig in order to make it functional again. That is the situation we have now. It is really bad if you are using a global volume pedal to adjust the volume either for comping or soloing like I do.

    I cannot even use a second pedal for the wah because the second analog jack is occupied by the two-way momentary switch I am using to move to rigs up or down. The dual switch and the pedal is all I can accomodate on the floor in front of the mic stand.

    The issue has been fixed in Version 3.3 - Thank you!

    !!! Edit: No, I was mistaken, it has not been fixed. !!!

    I fact the global volume adjustment is not completely inoperative when using the WahPedal to Vol. option, only the volume is set to maximum everytime you select a rig. This renders it nearly useless.

    So my request is as follows: Leave the volume on the level adjusted by the pedal when changing rigs. Set it to maximum only when a wah rig is selected.

    Thank you for answering. I do know the workarounds. I am using a dual footswitch and a volume pedal, and that's it. There is no room on the floor for MIDI gear or the Remote, since I have a mic stand in front of me. I do organize performances according to the planned songlist, of course.

    Nevertheless, there is an issue in that the user interface is not consistent and does not allow you to browse through performances like you may browse through rigs. It seems to care more for musicians experimenting with the rigs than performing for an audience.

    Those who share my thoughts please like the original posting so that the request has a chance to be noticed one day.

    Imagine you need to select a performance by its name among 50+ performances stored in the KPA. You’re on stage and the audience is waiting. So be quick. But how?

    No way. You may scroll through performances using the Rig buttons or the TYPE knob. That takes too long though. Obviously each performance has to be loaded before its name is displayed. Speeding up will possibly let you skip the very performance you’re searching for.

    The KPA user interface is inconsistent in Performance Mode in that it misuses the TYPE knob to let you browse through performances. That could be done better and in a more consistent way. So here is my feature request:

    In Performance Mode please establish another type: ‚PERFORMANCES‘. Select that type by default. Let us use the BROWSER knob to browse through performances. Display the performance names in the same way the rig names are displayed while browsing through the rigs.

    Selecting a performance on the fly would be much easier then.

    Well, if you browse through rigs using Browse you see 8 rigs at once in the display. That gives you a good overwiew and allows you to select a rig quickly.

    Opposed to that browsing through performances using Type lets you see only 1 performance at a time. Selecting a performance is much slower, in particular if you select by name rather than number. My KPA has 75 performances stored. On stage I sometimes need to find one of these within seconds.

    Usability could be improved sigificantly by letting us browse through performances in the same way as through rigs. Let the Type button select whether you're browsing through rigs or performances.

    To me browsing through rigs in performance mode makes no sense at all unless I want to edit the performance. There is an 'Edit' soft button for that.

    Thank you for spending your time, viabcroce.

    If you have a number of performances selecting one of them single-step-wise by the rig cross buttons is a pita. The buttons should perform autorepeat at least.

    Even more I'd like to use the browse button to browse through performances rather than rigs. On stage I need to be able to select any performance quickly. I would not want to edit the performance by selecting a different rig. So what the browse button currently does seems useless in an on-stage situation.

    Anyway soft button #3 is currently unused in performance mode. Why not activate this one to enable browsing through rigs if needed.

    Currently Lock Vol.Pedal is inoperative when WahPedal to Vol. is selected. This should be fixed asap.

    I understand that this has been implemented deliberately to avoid muting the guitar when you select a rig that includes the WahPedal while pedal volume is 0. But that may as well be prevented by setting to volume to max when the situation occurs.