Posts by Danzego

    Thank you for your kind words!!
    I also think most profiles are too bright.
    I created to the profiles I can use them my self and they sound almost identical to my Deluxe Reverb.
    Check my profiles of a 64 Bassman and a '68 Marshall Superbass and '71 Superlead.
    I did by a new amp lately, a Morgan AC20 Deluxe, so when I have time I will created some profiles for this amp

    Awesome, thank you! Those are all amps that I want to be part of my "profile rotation" and I hope they all sound as good as your Deluxe Reverb profiles. I'm going to hunt them all down this evening and start putting them through their paces. :)

    Thank you for your kind words!!
    I also think most profiles are too bright.
    I created to the profiles I can use them my self and they sound almost identical to my Deluxe Reverb.
    Check my profiles of a 64 Bassman and a '68 Marshall Superbass and '71 Superlead.
    I did by a new amp lately, a Morgan AC20 Deluxe, so when I have time I will created some profiles for this amp

    I decided to go on a Rig Exchange hunt yesterday for Dirty Shirley profiles to see if there are any good ones. Before ending, I decided to check out Deluxe Reverb profiles and happened upon these.

    Martin, I have to say, I was immediately pleased with how good these profiles sounded. I’ve been using other paid ones and while they’re good, I find they’re way on the bright side and When compared side by side with a real Deluxe Reverb, they don’t really hold up. I even called a friend to tell him about these.

    I just got done comparing the Clean profile through the Kemper Kabinet using the Jensen P12Q and P12R speaker imprints side by side with my DRRI and Deluxe Reverb Tone Master Amps. They’re phenomenal. So good, I had to come online and search to see if you’ve done other profiles, and ended up seeing this thread. So I’m posting to thank you for your great and exceptional work on your Deluxe Reverb profiles. Thanks, these are AWESOME.

    Yeah, I know I’m gushing, but they’re really that good. Thank you for providing them!

    Have you tried turning off the whole amp, stack and cab section?

    I have. If I turn off the Cabinet, it's pretty dull. If I turn off the EQ, well, can't adjust EQ settings from the front. If I turn off the amp section, it just sounds very muffled. Turn them all off either at the Stack button or individually, it's a sum of those three. I'm listening through a set of Audio Technica ATH40MX headphones, by the way, so I know that's not the issue.

    I did try changing the base profile and it at least minimized the sharp piercing noise when hitting a high string. Now it just has a tinniness to it that I also hear in some sound samples a user posted of the Acoustic Sim in the Private Forum. So far, I don't think this Acoustic Sim sounds very Acoustic guitarlike at all.

    Does it matter which base profile you use (I assume "yes") and which base profile is anyone having success with? I tried it with a TJ 65 Deluxe Reverb V1 profile and the Acoustic Sim didn't sound good at all through headphones. It was somewhat muddy and dark and didn't sound like an actual acoustic guitar; more like a very early guitar synth trying to sound like an acoustic.

    Further, I took the suggestion of turning off the Cab and that resulted in a very piercing sound along with the note of the high E string on my Les Paul. Like stabbing in the ear piercing that hurts to hear.

    I hope I'm doing something wrong, because as is, it's not close to ready. I did see a YouTube video of some dude demoing it and it sounded great.