Posts by TaylorWright

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    Wow thanks a lot for all the uplifting comments. I used a Suhr Classic Pro HSS on the 4th position for the rhythm tones and the humbucker for the lead. The drumming software I use is EZDrummer 2. And thank you to the guy above that shared it! Glad you guys enjoyed the tune.

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    I used the Morgan AC20 profile for this song. I wouldn't mind a bit of feedback on this one if someone wanted to chime in!

    Thanks for listening, if you do.

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    I used Alfi27's 5150 III Red Channel profile, an ambient patch from Acle, Masotti Lead Live, and maybe a few others. Most of the riffs were coil tapped on an Ormsby Hype 7 string.

    I could use some input on the mix / song structure / or just critique in general. Thanks... enjoy. 8)

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    bla bla bla bla blaaa!

    Bla bla bla bla!

    Another demo using the most downloaded bogner shiva profiles (r.u.sirius), from the rig manager!

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    Here's another little demo I did using the kemper with bogner shiva profiles:

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    Here's a little demo tune I recorded using the Kemper. Let me know what you guys think, good or bad!

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    I know this may be redundant having *sort of* asked this question in my previous post about lead tones. (Somebody recommended a Djemass profile that I really liked by the way.)
    And I'm sure this has probably been asked quite a few times throughout the forum...

    BUT... being a brand new Kemper owner can be quite overwhelming. There are an unlimited amount of rigs and profiles to be downloaded!

    So I wanted to know:

    1. What rhythm, lead, and clean profiles (free) are you all using? I'm trying to get an idea of how you guys are using different amps / cab simulations to correspond with one another.

    2. Also: what style of music are you playing, what guitar are you using, and what are your pickups?

    I'm using an Ibanez Prestige 2127z with stock pickups. I generally use about 5 guitar tones when I write a song. Distorted, lead, clean, and ambient patches. So far I've been really digging a 5150 profile by Alfi27, and that Djemass profile mentioned above. I'm still looking for other suggestions, as well as a clean patch, and an ambient patch.

    I also own a 2008 Les Paul Standard and a Fender MiM Strat with a chopper in the bridge. So also let us know about your killer single coil patches!
    I primarily play instrumental metal stuff, (Soundcloud link in my sig). If you guys have any songs you would like to link us to, demonstrating how your suggested patches sound in a mix, go right ahead!

    Again, I know this has probably been asked quite a few times throughout the forum. However, providing suggestions and sharing your main tones with everyone else may save others A LOT of time browsing through the rig manager.

    Anyways, I'm off to go practice. I'll be looking forward to hearing all of your suggestions and which profiles YOU are using as your rhythm, lead and clean tones!

    - Taylor

    Hey guys,

    I just received my Kemper Profiler yesterday, and I absolutely LOVE it! I upgraded from the Line 6 Pod HD Pro, which was a great unit, but the Kemper totally blows it away. ;)
    I work at Long and McQuade Musical Instruments, so I hear a lot of different amplifiers and gear everyday... and I can't believe how accurate the profiling is on this unit.

    In my spare time I do quite a bit of recording:

    So I can't wait to record a new tune with the Kemper.
    I'm off to go play!