Posts by ahedfour

    I was toying with this too. Here's what I found:

    • First of all, both the KPA and the Remote periodically emit an UDP message on Broadcast containing metadata about themselves. I guess they do so to find each other.
    • After connecting to the KPA, it emits some GUIDs I have yet to make sense of. Probably some kind of identification.
    • After that, try sending "floorboard". You will get "+floorboard" back and then some kind of handshake protocol starts. Messages are terminated with 0x0d (13) 0x0a (10) or vice versa. Up to this point at least. The KPA doesn't seem to mind which one you use.
    • From that point onward communication changes to a binary protocol where the first byte is 0xaa, the second byte is the full length of the message, the 3d byte seems to be a "message type" and then comes the actual payload.

    I didn't have much time to work on it, and I could not yet make sense of the payload or how is encoded.

    I've written a KPA emulator in C# (to understand the protocol of the Remote) that seems to be recognized by the Remote because it attempts to connect to it, but I was unable to get the handshake right - for now. And after 10secs that you don't reply correctly the connection drops and the Remote reconnects.

    Hi. I remember there being talk of possibly making RigManager for iOS available not only for iPadOS 13, but also for iOS 12. Is there any update on that? Is it going to happen or not?

    I'm asking because I recently dug up my old iPad Mini 1st gen, and I can only go up until iOS 12.5.5 on it. That's pretty close, so I'd hate to buy a new iPad whe maybe I can still make some use of this one ...


    I am having some serious troubles with my KPA(s) connected to my PC via USB. I have already posted some issues here (KPA front panel freezes when switching profiles, does not actually switch profiles, USB update does not work). Now all this is (most probably) related to a faulty USB-Hub or ome other HW issue not related to the KPA itself, this I found out by meticulously testing various combinations. For now I somehow learnt to deal with those issues (unplug USB => all back to normal, update via USB stick a.s.o.).

    Now with the release of the Rig Manager for iPad I cannot help but wonder why we cannot have a Rig Manager over Ethernet for the PC aswell? I could still update my units via USB-stick and just use the ethernet to switch profiles.

    I once had an iPad (mini, 1st gen) but that unfortunately does not run the app. Android is ignored (but please don't start that war again, thanks). So if you can comunicate with the KPA via network from the iPad, I guess we could use that same channel on PC (or Mac) Desktop as well? I mean: I for one already have my KPAs connected via Ethernet so I could finally be done with that naggy USB stuff? Also it would free 2 of my (very precious) USB ports! Pretty please?

    Hi there,

    I have a problem with one of my profilers. I have two of them: one for Guitar, one for Bass. Both are unpowered rack units running on 8.0.3. I usually have them both attached to my PC via USB all the time so I can control them via Rig Manager.

    Recently I've started noticing this: after a while, can not really say how long - maybe an hour or so, the Guitar-Profiler starts to become very unresponsive. Meaning: I can play fine and all the rigs work as they should. But when I attempt to switch rigs through RigManager (Double-Click on the Rig), it takes anywhere from 10sec to 30sec for the Profiler to actually load it. According to RigManager, the switch is immediate. No lag at all in the software. While I wait for the new rig to load, the Profiler continues to work fine ... only still having the old rig loaded. Also the front panel seems to freeze when this happens. Like: all the various LEDs freeze, until the rig is finally loaded. When I turn the unit off and on again, everything goes back to normal.

    I have not yet noticed this happening on the Bass-Profiler, but I also don't use that one often and when I do, not for long - and usually with just one rig.

    Yesterday I tried to update the Guitar-Profiler to 8.0.5 and that also failed. While copying the update to the profiler it aborted at exactly 66% without any error other than RigManager saying it failed. The update on the Bass-Profiler on the other hand went through just fine. This has already happened when updating the Guitar-Profiler to 8.0.3, but at the time I hadn't given much thought and just copied the update to a USB-stick and updated the unit through that. I will most probably also work this time, haven't yet tried, but this really seems a little weird to me.


    I am genuinely surprised that, even at this point, people still seem to find something they deem worth posting into this thread.

    Oh ... yes. I did too.

    But only because I want to tell my grandchildren one day that I was part of this.

    Hi there. I am currently trying to figure out a few things regarding MIDI and my (now two) Kempers. This is probabily going to be a very technical and specific question, so bear with me ... anway ...

    I have downloaded all the manuals and also read the MIDI parameter documentation. So far so good. But it remains unclear to me is if this parameter documentation is exhaustive or not. I can not see any parameters in the list that deal with Author, Name of Rig a.s.o. First I thought: well, those might simply be parameters that are not available through MIDI SysEx. But when you look at the example message for "Request String Parameter" you can see that it requests the Rig Name using Controller 0x00 and 0x01. Those controllers don't seem to be documented anywhere ... are there any others?

    PS: Looking at you, virango. Do you have any ideas or did you ever try to access those parameters? I have already sifted through your code on Github :P
