Posts by jms8992

    I'd love to be able to strum all 6 strings and tune them at the same time on the Kemper. Maybe there is a licensing/copyright/intellectual property issue related to this, or not enough people have requested this, or some other reason which is why Kemper hasn't offered this feature?

    skoczy, thanks so much! Yeah I have heard about that Toast ME, and was ready to pull the trigger & use it, but only a few days after I learned about Toast ME I learned that Kemper was planning to build an editor. As a result, I've been patiently waiting. :)

    I REALLY REALLY REALLY want an editor. ^^ Mine is a kemper rack which is across the room, so I now have a bit of walking back & forth when I need to change kemper settings. One other note, kemper builds high quality stuff, so I'd rather wait a little longer for an editor than have one sooner that is buggy. I build software, so I can appreciate good software quality. :thumbup:

    Can I revert from Tills cab back to original cab from an MBritt studio profile? I grabbed Tills free cabs & imported them, then tried changing the cab from a studio profile (for example, MBritt's "Friedman BE100 1") to one of Tills cabs. The end result sounded fine, however I'm curious whether it's possible to revert to the original cab before I changed to the Tills cab. Do I need to reimport the original kipr file (which is "Friedman BE100 1 - 2017-08-02 15-38-03.kipr") to revert? I looked in the manual & here in the forums but didn't see anything. :D


    Solved. I got back from tonight's gig after hooking up a TRS to my DVP4 & Kemper, & it works fine. Actually I can't believe how awesome the morph function is with the kemper. Wow, pure joy. My apologies for using the TS instead of the TRS. I honestly had never used a TRS cable & thought all along that I was using one, but it was really as TS cable. I honestly did read the manual & forum feedback, and only realized TRS may be the problem when noticing the black ring on my patch cable, then YouTubeing a little to learn about the differences between TS & TRS.

    Solved. I got back from tonight's gig after hooking up a TRS to my DVP4 & Kemper, & it works fine. Actually I can't believe how awesome the morph function is with the kemper. Wow, pure joy. My apologies for using the TS instead of the TRS. I honestly had never used a TRS cable & thought all along that I was using one, but it was really as TS cable. I honestly did read the manual & forum feedback, and only realized TRS may be the problem when noticing the black ring on my patch cable, then YouTubeing a little to learn about the differences between TS & TRS.

    I don't have a trs cable but I have a sneaky suspicion that's what's been causing my problem. I've never had a need for a trs, so tomorrow I'll go buy one & try it. Talk about frustrating. Really super frustrating, and that's something neither the Kemper company nor any users want - everyone wants Kemper stuff to be easy (and to tell you the truth, up until now it has been very easy & lots of fun, so I'm not going to let this expression pedal issue ruin the rest of my rewarding & happy Kemper experience), so I have some suggestions:
    1) If trs cables fix my problem, it seems sensible to ask about having the Kemper amp or profiler remote tell users maybe via an error message somewhere/somehow they're using the wrong cable. That would make it more user friendly for those folks who don't want to scour through 200 pages in the main manual which is where I saw trs mentioned. To tell the truth I actually did read the whole manual [no lies, I really did, & I found it super interesting], then went back through the sections related to expression pedals a few times while troubleshooting this.
    2) Maybe putting trs in big bold letters would help - who knows? This all assumes the trs fixes my problem.

    If I'm the only person that's ever had this problem, then that's okay too, in which case maybe my suggestion above don't apply.


    I don't have a trs cable but I have a sneaky suspicion that's what's been causing my problem. I've never had a need for a trs, so tomorrow I'll go buy one & try it. Talk about frustrating. Really super frustrating, and that's something neither the Kemper company nor any users want - everyone wants Kemper stuff to be easy (and to tell you the truth, up until now it has been very easy & lots of fun, so I'm not going to let this expression pedal issue ruin the rest of my rewarding & happy Kemper experience), so I have some suggestions:
    1) If trs cables fix my problem, it seems sensible to ask about having the Kemper amp or profiler remote tell users maybe via an error message somewhere/somehow they're using the wrong cable. That would make it more user friendly for those folks who don't want to scour through 200 pages in the main manual which is where I saw trs mentioned. To tell the truth I actually did read the whole manual [no lies, I really did, & I found it super interesting], then went back through the sections related to expression pedals a few times while troubleshooting this.
    2) Maybe putting trs in big bold letters would help - who knows? This all assumes the trs fixes my problem.

    If I'm the only person that's ever had this problem, then that's okay too, in which case maybe my suggestion above don't apply.


    Just ordered my new Dunlop DVP4 & it doesn't work. I tried 3 of the jacks on the back of the remote. I also switched the DIP switches inside the pedal to all combinations. I went into the system menu on the kemper amp to select mode pedal type 1 then type 2, then calibrate, moved the pedal back/forth, and the horizontal calibrate bar doesn't move at all. Boy oh boy am I frustrated with expression pedals & kemper. I am getting close to going back to my tried and true tube amp. It really shouldn't be this hard. As I noted above, I also tried the Source Audio Reflex expression pedal that is designed to be flexible enough to work with anything under the sun and couldn't get that to work too after trying every possible combination & DIP switch on it (only the active signal worked however that caused the remote screen to whiten the letters so I stopped using it & returned it). Now I can't get the Dunlop DVP4 to work. Should I contact Kemper directly ( I think i saw an this phone number which I may try calling next week if I can't get this figured out: +49 700-PROFILING )? Why oh why is this happening? I'm a busy musician & don't have the time nor the money to be buying every expression pedal under the sun then returning it after finding it doesn't work. Help. Please please please.


    mikedespres, How did you get your dvp4 to work? My brand new DVP4 arrived and as I mentioned in a thread I just created on this forum, my DVP4 doesn't work with the Kemper. I tried 3 of the jacks on the back of the remote. I also switched the DIP switches inside the pedal to all combinations. I went into the system menu on the kemper amp to select mode pedal type 1 then type 2, then calibrate, and the horizontal calibrate bar doesn't move at all. Boy oh boy am I frustrated with expression pedals & kemper. I am getting close to going back to my tried and true tube amp. It really shouldn't be this hard. Why oh why would this be happening?

    I was getting the same whiteness problem when I originally only had the expression pedal connected using 1 output instead of 2 outputs (which show in the video). I can post a video using just one TRS connecting the pedal to the kemper remote, but there won't be any difference in the whiteness problem. The reflex has 3 outputs, so it can act as 3 different pedals by changing the output on the reflex pedal from output 1 to output 2, so this is why there are 2 TRS cables coming from the pedal. My pedalboard is small, so my goal was to send midi from the kemper to the pedal to change the active pedal output from 1 to 2 ( I've already tried this & it seems to work). To change the active output jack on the pedal from 1 to 2 without midi, you have to bend over & twist the knob on top of the reflex expression pedal.

    My Kemper Remote pedal's screen turns white (the black letters in the display turn whiter & whiter gradually to match the white background in the remote's display) when I use my expression pedal when I move it to the toe down position. My pedal seems to work fine (volume pedal works, morphing works). I'm using the source audio reflex universal expression pedal. I have the DIP switches for the reflex pedal configured as follows, and I want to be 100% sure I'm not hurting the kemper remote, kemper amp, nor the expression pedal:

    "Devices like modular synthesizers can be controlled by the Reflex if its outputs are configured in
    active control voltage mode. In this mode, an internal 5 Volt source is connected to the
    potentiometer, and an active control voltage is output on the tip contact. This configuration requires
    a mono (TS) cable. In this mode, the corresponding DIP switches 1 to 5 should be set On, Off, Off, Off,
    On, respectively."

    I'm using the output jack on the expression pedal which has a passive 10 kΩ expression output (the expression pedal's documentation states the following for this jack: "By default, the ring contact is power, the sleeve contact is ground,
    and the tip contact is ground.")

    As I lower the expression pedal's maximum output setting (the setting for when it's in toe down position) from 128 to 125 the letters in the display get slightly darker & more readable. Then if I lower it to 120 then to 115, the letters get more readable. When the setting reaches 110, the level of blackness in the letters are back to normal. I can try posting a pic later if that would help.
