Posts by Aumumano

    Yes, the tick at "Wah Pedal > Volume" must be taken off.

    If no Remote is connected, you just see the pages Pedal 1 and Pedal 2 while the pages Pedal 3 to 6 (Remote) are greyed out.

    Now i am confused... the manual says:

    "If “WahPedal >Volume” is selected, those two functions are mutually exclusive. As soon as a wah effect is active, the Wah Pedal controls this wah effect, while volume stays flat. As soon as there is no wah effect in the current Rig, or the wah effect is switched off, the Wah Pedal controls volume"

    Are you connecting pedal to the foot controller because Volume gets connected to Pedal 3 input jack and Wah connects to Pedal 5 input jack.

    I am using an M-Audio Expression pedal connecct directly...I dont have a Kemper Remote, only the profiler.

    .I am a bit confused about those 6 pedals options in the "system settings", because the profiler only has those 2 these 2 input jacks, Switch and pedal...

    Hey guys i have strange problem... I connected an expression pedal for wah wah stuff only...I made the correct settings on system, assigned the pedal channel exclusively to control wah wah...but its still is acting as an volume pedal...Its controling both wah wah and volume..

    My temporary solution was to set the volume range to 0, but i can see that the pedal still controls volume...How do i keep my expression pedal as an wah wah controller only? My only intention with this expression pedal is to control wah and i have zero interest in using for anything else...

    Thanks a lot!

    Hey guys, i ve just realised there is a known issue with some units, in the "alternative input" jack.
    There is a huge amount of hiss, horroble distorted noise on my unit.
    I ve came across some posts of people with the same problem, and most of them knew the problem was with hardware.
    My problem is that i cannot wait for support...I live in Brasil, and i imagine it would be like weeks wihtout the unit.
    So...Can i use the XLR as alternate input for the FxLoop?
    I need stereo fx loops for my Timefactor delay...

    BTW: I tried all possible input/output configurations in the software...But i could not get the hiss to go, so i KNOW its the alternate input jack!!!

    Hey Kemper felllows...Alright...I am 32 years old tv/film composer with a infinte demand for all kind of genres(i work on a Tv Channel), with 20 years of band playing, and working professionaly with tv/film since i was 22.
    I play drums, keyboards and guitar, both acoustic and electric
    So the thing is:
    I am really familiar with the sound of a amp and cab, and i ve never heard ANY amp sim that gave me a tone that i really enjoyed playing...
    I hear a bunch of so called pros in Gearslutz saying that they are fine with Amplitube or something...I understand that feeling... "Its fine"..."you cant hear the difference in a mix"
    But, and this is a huge but(ahahaha), i need to compose and play everyday, and i am tired of "fine"!
    I want great tones, not "kind of okish" tones...
    I ve never heard any amp sim that gave me really good clean ones, and the really dirty heavy ones...( and i had them all AT4, Guitar Rig, Revalver, TH3(this one was my favourite), and Line 6 HD500x(also had some usable tone...but just that, usable tone...Not "crazy good tones")
    So last friday i finally had the chance to play in a Kemper...and OMFUCKINGGOD!!!
    Its kind of magic...This friend had a bunch of Mbritt profiles and ChoppTones, and seriously, my brain was really confused...
    Its like a magic box... It sounded so real, that i woke up today and bough one used for a nice price(a new one here in Brasil its crazy expensive, since our import taxes are the biggest in the world, 60%!!!)
    It will arrive in 2 weeks and the best is that the guy who sold me was a "profile freak" and already had something like 2000 profiles in a pendreive!
    Just wanted to shout to the world now: "No, Amplitube is not even in the same universe as Kemper"