Posts by LeviAkkerman

    Hi Everybody,

    In my rig I run two 19” Kemper profilers with one remote and one Kemper stage. My input signal comes from my Shure QLDX wireless system. I use the three profilers to play different instruments and it would be nice to use one wireless system and switch the signal between the three Kempers. I don’t want to have a lot of cables on stage, so I’m searching for an solution to switch my signal between the three profilers using the profilers midi signal or something else.

    I thought it might be possible to use an midi loop switcher and use the profiler’s signal to switch. Or use the direct output to send my signal from Profiler to profiler and mute the unused profilers.

    Does someone have experience with this? Ore some other ideas?


    We have in our digital mixer presets for the entire band (every song we play, a different preset). My question is if it’s possible if I change my preset (rig up/ rig down), the digital mixer also do this.

    Hi Everybody,

    I have a question about a midi rigg change. I want to use my remote to change the rigg settings on our digital mixer.

    If I use the midi out on the Kemper and connect it to our digital mixer, what do I have to do?

    And is it possible? So if I hit the Rigg Up or Rig Down button, the digital mixer has to do the same!
