Posts by AxelF42

    Danke Dir für das Feedback, aber wie gesagt es hat alles nicht geholfen. Aus lauter Verzweiflung habe ich dann ein älteres Backup zurückgespielt und auf einmal war alles wieder in Ordnung. Bin natürlich wieder happy, habe aber keine Ahnung, was die Ursache war.

    To simplify the problem, I created new Rigs with just one stereo-effect in the effects section (ping-pong delay). Still mono. The panorama value shows some very slight volume differences, but still mono. No difference between left and right (used headphones).

    Hallo Zusammen,

    ich bin schon länger Kemper-User, habe mich allerdings nie mit dem Thema Stereo beschäftigt. Jetzt wollte ich damit mal herumspielen (ping-pong, doubletracker, etc.) Und ich kriege es ums verrecken nicht hin irgendeine Art von Stereosound zu produzieren. Weder über Kopfhörer noch über die Master-Outs Richtung DAW. Das Signal ist immer mono. Ich nutze die aktuelle Firmware auf einem Power-Toaster und selbstverständlich habe ich in der Output-Sektion „Master-Stereo“ eingestellt. Hat irgendjemand eine Idee?

    Beste Grüße


    Hi there in the kemper universe,

    I am not able to produce any stereo-effect whatsoever. I own a power-toaster and use it quite a long time, but until now only in mono. Now I wanted to experiment with some stereo-sounds, but whatever I do the sound is mono. No way to get any stereo-effects (ping-pong, double-tracker,etc.) Not over headphones and also not over master out for recording. Of course the setting in the output section is "Master Stereo". OS is actual. I have no idea what to do.

    I am very thankful for any advice!

    Hi there,

    I am quite lucky, as I own a toaster for homerecording and a rack for gigging and rehearsal. Until now I made changes/setup in the toaster and simply applied them with backup/restore on the rack. So far both had the same OS. But now I updated the toaster to the latest OS and I am not sure if I have to update the rack in advance before restoring further backups to transfer my new settings. Or is the OS part of the backup and would be automatically applied with the restore? (Hope I make myself clear, as I am no native speaker).

    Regards and thanks for any hint

    I figured it out (sort of). The backup-file was 0 KB (The KPA said backup is ready). The Kemper seems to be a little picky with USB-sticks, as the one I used works fine on other devices. Nevertheless using another one did the job . Thank you!

    Hi there,

    I use a Powerhead for a while and just added a Rack to my gear for live use and having the Head as backup. My idea was to make a complete backup from the Powerhead and restore it to the rack, so that I just have to maintain one unit. But trying this, the rack tells me that the backup-file is "damaged beyond repair". Any ideas? (both units are on the same firmware)

    Best regards and thinks for any hint
