Posts by MyrleGuitarist

    This sounds pretty weird. I dont use performances so I cant say it works for me. Profile editing works all the time.

    I have seen many PCs that have USB 3.0 ports that dont run correctly with 2.0.
    I think Kemper also suggests connecting the Kemper directly to the PC in use. No hubs, etc.

    PS: If you ever run into a person who created USB 3.0, kick them square in the junk for me.

    Its been 4 yrs of weird hahaha. I mostly only use it to create setlists for gigs (using Performances). Maybe its just the performances and updating/communicating to the profiler is the issue, or an issue on the firmware side. And its not just me, my buddy has the same issues, so its not my Kemper either. I have both a Mac and Windows laptop, and have issues on both (Mac more to be honest). Everything else I do on the profiler itself. Even yesterday I couldn't drag and drop the performances from local to MyProfiler. That used to work.... I don't know what happened. I gave up after an hour of screwing around. Will try again over the weekend.

    My good friend and I both have Kempers (4-5 years now) and absolutely love them. Rig Manager is horrible. Sooo buggy. Its too bad. We both hate it. Same problems. Same issues whether I use my Mac or Windows Laptop. Maybe its the firmware then. Today, I could not for the life of me move performances from LOCAL to MyProfiler. Finally I got 1 performance to copy over. It showed up on the profiler, I rebooted. Nope - not there.

    I intialized ALL my performances on MyProfiler. Only half worked. After reboot they were still there, but now I could no longer see them in Rig Manager.

    So frustrating.

    I would love the capability of quickly changing to a difference performance without clicking multiple times on the up/down switches on my remote. I was hoping the new Ipad app would allow that. If I could see the complete Performance list on the Ipad app and be able to click on one, that would solve my rehearsal and live problems of doing songs on the fly. (Each performance is a song).


    I just gave up on Rig Manager 3 today. I was so excited about using it too. Trying to record demo's and setting up performances while I'm at it so I remember everything I used for the Demo.

    Whether I'm looking at Local or Profiler, performance editing is soooo buggy. If you edit the settings, say your gain and then move slot around. The settings seem to stay in the slot and not move with the Rig. The next rig you put in that slot inherits the settings of the old one. And its intermittent. I did a simple copy of a rig from one performance to a new performance and empty slot, and the settings automatically changed. Suddenly the gain setting was 5 instead of 1.6. I don't get it. I give up.

    I will make all edits/changes on the front panel. Even changing the RIG name in the performance slot doesn't work properly. At least in the last version that worked.

    So disappointing. I have managed SW/FW departments and this level of PRIMARY function bugs is unacceptable. Its impossible that these bugs were not known before release.

    So this is what I have figured out in the last 10 minutes.

    It works IF:

    In Rig Manager, I created a new performance in the LOCAL LIBRARY, edited all names and rigs.

    THEN I copied it to the MyProfiler folder in Rig Manager.

    IT WORKED! Finally.

    If my Profiler is on "PERFORMANCE" mode, then I had to switch to BROWER and back to PERFORMANCE.

    If my Profiler was on BROWSER when copied, just has to switch to PERFORMANCE.

    If I change stuff directly on the MyProfiler folder in RIG Manager, it still doesn't change on my Profiler or the behaviour is just odd.

    Any changes I do it on the LOCAL LIBRARY and then copy it again to the MyProfiler folder.

    Hope this helps.

    Same problem!! I'm a new user and was soooo confused. I've spent the last couple hours looking at tutorials assuming I was doing something wrong. Now I know its not just me! I have resorted to just using the profiler to create performances.

    I'm really disappointed with Rig Manager (regarding Performances).
