Posts by PoweredToastMan

    i must admit by themselves these sound awsome but did not work well in a mix when i tried. Most profiles have a lot of noise. Using the gate the noise is still in the chords causing clutter. The ribboned one suffers least. Its the most mix ready that i found. So thats my fav from the pack. I also just purchased the fortin american metal classics. Hoping those are more mix ready.

    Thank you for the help fellas.

    So maybe i didnt blow away the original amps. Thats good. I will do as suggested. Number the rigs. I need to get the foot controller so i can gig with this thing. Thst way i can set up performance mode.

    Cheers. Thanks again for the clarification. I just purchased fortin american classic pack and fortin meshuggah pack to try some pro made metal profiles. Until i can make good profiles on my own. That should get me started.

    i am happy with the tones i am getting. I just need to learn how to organize my tones cause its time to take the powered toaster for its first real test drive. Also need to figure out how to set it up live. Need to decide if i get a non poweted frfr or use my powered carvin 12 w horn that i used to use w my axe.

    greetings all. Been having fun playing on my new Kemper and decided to tweak and save a few rigs to use with my band. However when i save it randomly writes ofer a factory amp and i cant figure out how to save to user slots and next to eachother.

    If i destroy a factory rig it asks me the second tome if i want to overwrite the currest or not. Whenni say not. It saves the rig 20 or so choices away destroying yet another factory rig. Has anyone had this issue?

    IT seems that after upgrading the firmware and getting the latest version of Rig Manager, its all working now.

    Strange. At first My kemper said it had the latest firmware, but after upgrading rig manager, my Kemper said it needed an upgrade.

    So far so good. Man, I love the way the Kemper Feels as well as how it sounds. Minimal tweaking, maximum playing time. .

    I am getting along ok but i do need to RTFMs from cover to cover. I did that with the Axe FX and that was like reading the bible.

    A bible written by aliens.

    I am going to try and make a profile of Matts' FENDER TWIN this weekend. Its in pristine condition

    ALSO. I purchased some profiles for metal and again, no tweaking hardly at all. all I did was turn up the gate and save.

    I made a recording of one of my band's songs. I used 2 patches. Sort of an Axe 3 VS KEMPER throwdown.

    I did one take with my best patch for Axe FX 3, it took me months to create "tweak"

    I did another take with my new TOASTER, just loaded up a profile, turned up the gate and rocked.

    I know which one i liked more. I will see what my bandmates choose.

    It feels so nice to be back to playing an Amp and not wasting time. I mean Playing a KEMPER,

    Hard to tell the difference. I am one happy KEMPER, uh i mean Camper.


    i had the same issue with my vader 8. As well as my HH2 holdsy. Both have dimarzio D Activators now. They sound like organic EMGs. String separation is excellent. Clarity as well. The neck pickup is just as easy with harmonics as the bridge.

    Oh yeah. The thing with lithium is its kind of a copy of a juggernaut in that its alnico5 with ceramic booster magnets for each string. Thats where it gets harsh. The spacing of them iss strange too. Not standard and not F spaced. Kind of in the middle. Measure the spacing for the d acts. U get more control and clarity

    he has an extensive collection of Fender Marshall Vox Mesa etc. Also lots of 80s rack gear. The Fenders i think are the first he wants to try and profile. He has awsome mics. Spared no expense. I got to learn the basics of the unit then grt to work learning how profiling works. My friend is the best at mic placement. Always gets the best tone w amps. I cant wait to see what this powered toaster can do.

    thank you all for welcoming me. I hope to learn fast and add to the community. I showed my Kemper toaster to my friend who has his own studio. and he was blown away by what it sounded like compared to my best effort on my axe fx. I asked him if I could profile some of his classic priceless amps when i learn how. He said he cant wait for me to do it so he can buy a kemper and take the tones of his fav amps out on the road while the real amps sit safely at home.

    He has some good mics in his studio and a perfect environment so we should be able to make some killer profiles of some classic amps that are in mint condition. He seriously treats them like his kids.

    I have a USB Cable between the WIN 7 PC and The Powered Kemper. last night i rebooted the KEMPER and shut down then re opened the Rig manager, it said I needed an upgrade automatically, after it upgraded, i could see and click on "audition" the rigs. Still not sure what i am doing yet, but God Damn, i made the right decision to get this. Even though i cant control it yet, i just spun the knob to a Dual Rec profile and was in Tone Heaven for about 7 hours. I will power it up now and have a look at what version i now have. I tried first in rig manager to "check for updates" it said i had the latest already, but that was a lie. cause after re starting the Kemper and the program, it downloaded a new version and installed it. that seems to have given me more capability in the software. I read the manual last night but it doesn't have much info on how to use rig manager, or how to organize/store presets on the toaster itself. perhaps there is another writeup somewhere on the site or different manual i can read that decribes this. Going to boot up and check what its running now.

    Greetings all.

    I am brand new to Kemper. In the 90s i used amps, both tube and solid state for metal, but in the late 90s i got into line6. I did waste some time tweaking Line6 products like the POD XT and HD500 but after a while, you realized that was as good as it would get and went on with making music. I knew that the feel and tone suffered though. Then came the AXE FX and i saw bands like MESHUGGAH were having great success with it. I got an Axe when the II came out. I spent months learning the unit and tried my best to make good sounding patches. I did succeed to an extent. I made some really good sounds, but they did not sound nor feel real to me. They were never as good as MESHUGGAH, PERIPHERY, or any of the other bands that were using AXE FX. I would get lost in the menus, I would waste lots of money buying cabinet packs thinking that would get me to a happy place. It never did. I used to make 2 albums per year. years ago. After purchasing my first axe 2 then an axe 3, for the past 9 years, i have only made 3 albums. That's because i was never happy with the sound. I would plan to record all weekend, but as soon as i plug into the axe, i would start tweaking, always thinking I could get it to sound better. Before I kneew it, Monday had arrived and I had gotten no recording done. Almost always after spending hours, our ears get tired and we start adding way to much presence and high end, when we hear the patch the next day, it sounds horrible and washed out.

    I just wanted to get back to making music. No More TWEAKING HELL!!!. A friend told me about the KEMPER, said it sounds and feels like a real tube amp. I took a chance and made the plunge. Last night i plugged it in for the first time. The software was glitchy, I tried upgrading the firmware and that seemes to have helped but its for sure i have no idea what im doing with this new kit. I need help just learning how to download profiles and load them. Organize them on the KEMPER. My software did not show "my kemper" folder anywhere in the rig manager. but after upgrading the software it did. I need to learn the basics. My head is powered but for now its in the home studio, so i wanted to shut off the power amp. I see no way to do that. I followed a vid telling how to do it but my screen has different choices. no choice to turn it off. maybe this changed with newer firmware.

    I used to chase a tone on the Axe which was a Dual Rec with a drive. Classic metal tone. But on the axe i had to tweak for years and was never happy. Last night i turned the knob on the KEMPER to a Dual Rec profile. Strummed and "HOLY S$%T. It sounded like a RECTIFIER right off the bat. even felt like one. I know i have made the right choice. last night i did no tweaking at all. i just played that dual rec for about 7 hours straight. I just need to learn how to use this new beast and I will get back to making music. Axe FX owes me 9 years of my life. I will never get it back but i can hopefully stop wasting time tweaking and spend more time playing.

    Wish me luck.

    I feel like a recovering modeling addict.

    Hi, my name is Desmond and I was addicted to model tweaking.

    a room full of modeling addicts reply in unison (Hi Desmond!)


    I am brand new to KEMPER. I purchased the Powered Toaster and I am having some difficulty loading some presets given to me. I have searched on the issue but it seems that what i see in my rig manager is different from the instructions i received. "my profiler" does not show up in the folder list on the left side of the program as I am shown from screenshots that it should.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    I really want to learn how to use this new unit, as even with the factory presets, it sounds and feels amazing.