Posts by CarloLf

    It was "JW Lonestar Cln1 DI-1 rig". If you try to reproduce my experience, load the rig in Browse mode, save it there. Then do a copy operation, go to Performance mode, use a free Performance # and paste the copied rig into a slot of this performance. That's what I did. Anyway, I do not believe the faulty behaviour is due to the rig. Because I could restore the performance by the same process. And now it is saved and available (but to be sure, I moved it into another performance number so it is not the last one of my performances.

    Did you save to the current Performance (the word slot is pretty confusing)

    of course I did. BTW: a Performance has some number, which is selected by footswitch. In that Performance I enabled two slots for foot switch.

    and copied your old Performance #1 onto Performance #2

    No, I did not copy Performance #1. It was a new Rig that I have found in RigExchange. I copied this new rig onto myProfiles, and from there to Performance #20, where tweaked it and doubled it to slot#2. And I saved them all. I also changed forth and back to other performances, and the new performance stayed there until shutdown. Before shutdown I did a backup onto USB stick.

    Bad experience today (as before with an older beta). Yesterday I installed a new profile in Performance Mode, tweaked it, copied it to slot#2 with some other other changed settings, and was happy with it. Notabene: I did create a new backup on stick.

    Now today, when I started the Stage, that new rig was gone (to nirvana, I guess). The performance (#20) where I stored it, was overwritten by the performance #1.

    Therefore I tried to restore it from the last backup I created yesterday before shutting down the Stage. Sadly, the backup also had the copied version of performance#1 at performance#20!!!

    Sadly, this happened again with the new beta. I had to copy it from "My Profile" again to the desired performance and tweaked it again. Now, for savety reasons, I copied it to All Performances/Local Library and als made a backup onto stick.

    I guess there is same stale cache data responsible for this behaviour.

    ad 2) das geht auch noch anders. Wenn du die Beta des RigManagers verwendest, mach ein 2. Fenster auf. Dort selektierst du das Rig, das du kopieren möchtest. Im 1. Fenster hast du die Performances. Wähle dort eine beliebige Performance. Dann ziehe vom 2. Fenster das gewählte Rig in einen Slot der gewählten Performance. Im Stage drücke dann den Save-Button.


    "La théorie, c'est quand on sait tout et que rien ne fonctionne. La pratique, c'est quand tout fonctionne et que personne ne sait pourquoi. Ici, nous avons réuni théorie et pratique : Rien ne fonctionne... et personne ne sait pourquoi !" - Albert E.

    This is great:D, (sometimes)

    And you fit this all within one performance? How exactly does the transpose work within rig settings? I didn't know that was possible. THought it had to be an effect. It gets trickier when you have songs that use a tap tempo. I have two songs that use a tap tempo and are set to different BPM's. And another song thats transposed up a half step.

    First: Transpose is a Rig parameter; you have to set it for each of the slots of a performance (if needed). I'm using one performance with 5 slots for most all of the songs. Then, for those few songs, which don't fit, I have 3 other performances. You might do it like me, or just try as you best like it.

    When installing RigManager for Windows, there is tab where you can look on your mounted disk / partitions and see free disk spaces. Curiously, this is an odd feature, because you can not select a special disk and after this selection select a directory (maybe by creating it). RigManager installation always uses Windows own schema for installing programs into "C:\programs". Personally, I dislike this and always use another partion/disk than C:. So, this should be selectable by the installation procedure.

    Of course, I found it quite usefull that RigManager obviously does not depend on some Windows Registry entries to run. So my workaround is just: copy (move) the while directory "Kemper Amps" to my preferred disc and directory.

    performance slot for each song

    I would not do that, it is an overkill in my opinion.

    I play in two bands, one where play in standard tuning, the other band always uses a half tone down tuned. (Well, and in both bands, sometimes I turn A string down to G). Using a few rigs, I just made copies of them and used rig settings with -1 transpose. Works good, and I never had any problems with latency.

    they only delete rigs that are beyond repair though

    Now, the question should be: what is a corrupt rig? I suppose, it is not a rig created with former non-beta OS/RM version. Those should and must be correct, and new beta OS should be able to handle it. So I think: corruption is due to errors of some faulty code in beta versions, i.e. corrupted data. It would be interesting why this cannot be repaired. Each of those corrupted rigs might have some valid data structures and some corrupted. Then, maybe a repair could just keep those data which a fine? Users of course would have the pain to do further repair themselves, maybe adding lost effects?

    ja, das geht. Nur musst du es für jedes Rig einzeln machen, denke ich. Im Browse Pool das gewünschte Amp Profil suchen, kopieren und im Ziel-Rig einfügen (paste).

    Vielleicht gibt es einen einfacheren Weg?