Are the wireless Sennheiser RS 220 good headphones to use with the kemper?

  • Hello there,

    i can get the sennheiser rs 220 wireless headset,
    is this a good option to use with the kemper.

    I can connect then the kemper digitaly to the base unit off the senheiser..
    Or will i get alot off latency?

    Best regards

  • Hi John, I can't tell you from own experience since I don't own these cans. But from what I found doing a quick search on Google, these cans seem to have 20ms latency, which could already feel a bit annoying. As a general rule, you can't notice latencies of 10ms or less. Using the Kemper and the Sennheiser DS 220 would introduce a total latency of about 24ms, so there's a good chance you feel it. The speed of sound is 1 foot per millisecond, so it feels like standing 24 feet (8 meters) away from a speaker/cab.

    Hope this info helps a bit. :)

  • I owned the RS120. I found that even slight movement resulted in signal loss. I've read RS220 reviews that also cite lots of lost signal.

    I'd love to get a good set of wireless headphones, but haven't found any that are dependable.

  • 2 years ago I was on POD HD + Sennheiser RS 220.
    Then one day I had to use wired headphones.
    Man what a difference !! My game improved immediatedly, it was quicker and smoother.
    This was due to the zero latency.
    So I strongly advised against these headphones for playing guitar