Custom labels to sort/search by in browse mode

  • I am finding that the views I can choose between in browse mode do not meet my needs (or ideal of how it should be).

    I would LOVE to be able to tag my profiles with some custom tags by which I could sort.

    An example: this way I could tag some profiles with "Strat", some with "Synth-like", and some with both these tags. Ideally, I would be able to show only the profiles with BOTH these tags in addition to each single tag.
    I could tag with SC for profiles that sound great with single coils, HB for humbuckers, and both tags for profiles that sound great with either. I could then show ALL the profiles that sound great with single coils etc.

    Basically, i want you to put excel into my kemper - that shouldn't be a problem, should it? :)

    I don't know if there are any way to implement this, given the current format of the KIPR files (I guess there is a fixed number of "fields" for each. But I sure would dig it.

    Maybe it could be done by manually writing the tags into the "rig comments" field, separated by a special character, and the kemper could scan these and make a list from which one could check or uncheck, and then show only the chosen selection in browse mode.

    ...Am I making any sense to anybody at all but myself?

  • I would like to have this too :)

    eg I replaced the author with the number (midi) because I want to have my rigs sorted by midi number
    The number as part of the name (eg 01 Marshall etc) is not so good because by syncing the presets with midi controller, I have only 8 characters on the small screens over the switches, so 3-4 places only for number is not practical.

  • Another way it could be implemented (which may or may not be better - but of course, one does not rule out the other).... Maybe just a search function/custom filter - so I could choose one (or more?) rig tags to search in, and "write" what I am searching for - like "amp type" - search for "marshall", which would show all marshall amps. Maybe with an "and/or" function, so I could show all amps named "Fan" OR "Fender", to get around the problem of implied amp names :)