Two Remote bugs I've encountered so far

  • I already sent this in to support tonight, but I wanted to post this here, too, in case any other users have helpful information they can share.

    I have an unpowered rack Profiler on firmware I'm using the supplied ethernet cable. I have a Mission EP1-KP expression pedal/switch connected to pedal 5 and pedal 6 on the Remote. (It's my understanding that pedal switches are not functioning yet in the current firmware, so I'm not reporting that as a "bug".)

    1. Remote disconnects while playing sometimes (screen goes dim to "waiting for connection" with the number 8 in the lower right-hand corner). This just happened to me again while typing this message; it happened while I was using the expression pedal and switching a rig at the same time, but that doesn't always happen.

    I've been trying to recreate this issue, and the way I've found to do that is by moving the expression pedal while switching the chicken-head knob from Browser to Perform (and vice-versa). What's most interesting to me about this, though, is that it happens EVEN WITHOUT a pedal effect loaded in whatever profile's up. In fact, it happens with all stomps and effects empty. If I change from Browser to Perform (or the other way around) without moving the expression pedal, the Remote maintains its connection.
    2. Bank down error in Performance mode. If I press and hold the "bank down" button to speed through performances, when I lift my foot off the switch to select the rig #1-5, the Remote automatically jumps down to one performance below where it began. Note that this change happens BEFORE I have selected a rig on switches 1-5, meaning that there's a very audible jump in sound between the time I take my foot off of the bank down switch and select my intended rig.

    Note that this does NOT happen with the "bank up" button.

    With the "bank up" button, if I press and hold it to jump ahead 10 or so performances, but then I don't select a rig on switch 1-5, it just stays on the current rig without changing and the screen goes back to the main view.
    However, with the "bank down" button, if I press and hold it to jump down 10 or so performances, when I lift my foot off of the "bank down" button, it has already jumped down 1 performance (you can hear it change rigs). If I don't select a rig on switch 1-5, the Remote screen now shows that I am one bank BELOW where I originally started.

    Bugs aside, I'm definitely enjoying playing with this. I dig it!

  • I hope I don't jinx myself here, but my Remote isn't disconnecting anymore after updating to the latest beta firmware. There was nothing about this in the release notes. I tried everything that seemed to cause that before- no problems today! I'll watch out for it at my show tomorrow and will report back if it happens again.

    The second issue (bank down "hold" scroll bug) is still present, however. I'll just tap dance on the "bank down" switch in the meantime.