Midi Out Mapping for Program Changes (at least)

  • Hi Kempers & Kemper Fans,
    I am brand new to this forum and have just received my kpa a couple of days ago. So, I apologize if my topic had already been brought up to the discussion table. Well, my problem is pretty simple but any current (extrnally realized) solution to it is costly, cumbersome and error prone. I play a Line6 Variax and would like to have its Guitars being selected directly along with the Rig Changes applied (at least) in the performance mode. Let's say, let me use a Strat sound in the Song intro an verse programmed to perfirmance 1, rig#1 and rig#2. then in the chorus i'd like to select a 12 string (rig#3) and for the solo a Les Paul (rig#4). Since the variax cannot be directly controlled by the kemper, i have in mind to hook up my line6 pod hd pro (x) and call up 4 basic sets, where the variax is pre programmed with all available different guitar sounds e.g. In the first 29 programs. All programs in the pod should be recalled via midi. Now the problem starts: since the midi out from kemper seems to be hard wired to the selected performances and subsequent rigs, i could only recall guitar 1 (eg the strat) from preset 1 in the pod. If my 2nd rig uses the same guitar, it would need to be able to send the same midi program change number to the pod as was done by rig#1 - to select the same guitar type but with changed kemper sound. Each older Midi capable amp or effects device supported a midi out mapping table, such that independently of a selected program/sound any program change number could be sent to an external device. I expected such a feature naturally when buying but it's not there. Can you provide please?

  • Hello. Not sure I completely understand what you're looking for, but each rig in every performance can send two different midi program changes.

    Start by going into Performance mode. Then click the system button and go to page 8. Here you can setup and name one or two different midi devices to send midi to, and also specify the channel to send midi on.

    Next go into a performance and select a rig. Click the "slot settings" soft button. (I think it's the first button above the LCD) Click the same button again to access midi settings for that rig. Here you can specify each of the two midi devices, and specify a patch change number for one or both.

    When finished, save the performance and move to the next rig and repeat. You would probably need to duplicate rigs in each performance, for the various sections of the song, like Verse , Chorus, ect.

    If your Pod can make the necessary Variax changes for each preset, it's just a matter of programming the correct preset changes into the KPA, using the above method.

  • Yep! <Stolz bin auf neuem GAS-Teil> :) ... Stand ja schon lange auf der Wunschliste, doch war nach den vielen Equipmentkäufen der letzten Jahre in der Familie schwer argumentierbar. Jetzt hab' ich a bissl geebt ... da fällt die Argumentation etwas leichter ;)
    Allerdings musste ich erst lernen, dass ich das aktuellste Firmware Paket installieren muss, damit alles so funzt wie icke es wollte. Offensichtlich geht's mit dem Midi-Kram jetzt genau so wie gewünscht und von Davec69 und Paults zuerst beschrieben. Bin nicht davon ausgegangen, dass mein brandneues Device (von Kemper direkt!) mit einer Dinosaurier-Firmware ausgeliefert wird.
    Freue mich auf den regen Austausch mit euch allen.
    Die Masterfrage: Ist die Forumsprache eher Deutsch oder (D)Englisch? Kann ja beides <g> ...

  • Hello. Not sure I completely understand what you're looking for, but each rig in every performance can send two different midi program changes.
    ... Start by going into Performance mode. Then click the system button and go to page 8. Here you can setup and name one or two different midi devices to send midi to, and also specify the channel to send midi on. ...
    Next go into a performance and select a rig. Click the "slot settings" soft button. (I think it's the first button above the LCD) Click the same button again to access midi settings for that rig. Here you can specify each of the two midi devices, and specify a patch change number for one or both. ...
    When finished, save the performance and move to the next rig and repeat. You would probably need to duplicate rigs in each performance, for the various sections of the song, like Verse , Chorus, ect.
    ... If your Pod can make the necessary Variax changes for each preset, it's just a matter of programming the correct preset changes into the KPA, using the above method.

    Thanks a lot Dave. As KPA newbie I just learned that in my brandnew device from Kemper there was old Firmware. After replacing it I found what you described ... and that was exactly what I was looking for. Well done by the KPA guys! That made the midi implementation a huge chunk more complete than before. Here's to further good discussions in the future. Cheerz FJ