Kemper/Reaper/Focusrite again..

  • Sorry i know there's a ton of threads about these allready but i can't find a solution in them and i'm getting a bit frustrated from wasting my time.

    I'm trying to reamp a previously recorded clean track through the Kemper using a send track and a recieving track.

    The sends seem to be working fine since i plug my headphones in the Kemper i hear the track i send, with the processed sound.
    The Kempers input is set to spdif and the spdif output to master send, should be ok.

    The problem is Reaper is not recieving the processed sound back.
    With sync source set to internal i get only dry sound, with spdif (Kemper) i get absolutely nothing.
    If i record theres a flat line.
    I have been f#@$ing around with it for hours now and tried everything i could.
    Is there anything i'm missing in Mixcontrol or Reaper i/o settings?

    Please help..

  • Great video from a forum member here

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  • Thanks
    I finally got it working by pulling out my spdif cables and inserting them back in.
    And they were connected properly, and they are quality cables.
    For some reason they weren't transferring data back to my interface.
    I don't now why exactly but it sucks i spent 5 hours and a perfectly good mood on it...