Possibility to check the custom effects applied in a rig.

  • Possibility to check the type of custom effects that is applied in a rig.

    When i create a custom effect and i give it a name and when i create a rig, if i go to another rig,
    when i come back to first rig, I can't check the custom effect i made and that is applied.

    I propose for exemple : if i name an effect "Cold and dark reverb"
    when i go to the rig, i can see "Cold and dark reverb" and not "small room" or "hall".

    And if i want to use this reverb in another rig, and if i want to change just one parameter or more,
    the name of this effect in this rig become automaticaly and if i don't want to change the name : "Cold and dark reverb*".

    The star (*) meaning that the effect has been modified but i know where it come from.

  • What you mean by "custom effects" is an effect preset in Profiler terminology.

    Let's stick to that example: You load your Reverb Preset "Cold and dark reverb" into the Reverb Module and it gets displayed there beside the Effect Type "Hall". What should happen, if you for example crank up Damping from 7.0 (stored in the Preset) to 7.1? So your current settings are not in line with the stored Preset "Cold and dark reverb" anymore. Wouldn't that be misleading? Should that Preset name disappear then?