Can Kemper Profile Test Signal destroy my AMP? They´re very loud/base-ish

  • Theoratically nearly right.

    But it depends on the signal's transient (wave form)
    Clean high wattage low and steep signals (with a high deflection like in the first Phase of the profiling-algorithm where the rumblin sounds occur) may damage especially old (and loose) Speakers by forcing the voice coil to move pretty far out of the magnetic-gap, so that the wire-Isolation gets damaged by touching the magnet when the Membran is pushed back.

    So I would be careful with older Speakers which membranes have a higher deflection due to looser glue and aged wire-Isolation.

  • I blew up my 6505 today profiling, but it was my fault. Somewhere last night I forgot I used the speaker cable on another of my setups and when I turned it on and cranked it up ... pop! lol.

  • I blew up my 6505 today profiling, but it was my fault. Somewhere last night I forgot I used the speaker cable on another of my setups and when I turned it on and cranked it up ... pop! lol.

    Well guys, thanks for the discussion so far, however, it just happened during a gig that my Fender Hot Rod Deluxe III just died.

    What it is? I have no clue. I cannot switch it on anymore. Fuse looks absolutely fine to me. I have guarantee, but in the end I really wonder, if Kemper profiling has to do sth with it.
    Transistors/Platine looks fine, nothing burned.

    Tubse? Shd be fine, and also at least the amp would switch on then?

    thanks for even more help now...