For new customers: How to upgrade your membership and be able to create new threads in this forum

  • As a KPA owner you should upgrade your membership to this forum in order to be able to create new threads, if you havn't already done so.
    Please use the Login on our Kemper homepage (top right corner)

    Logged in you will see the tab 'REGISTER YOUR AMPLIFIER'. You will need the serial number of your KPA, which you can either find on a sticker on the bottom of your unit or alternatively on the last page of the SYSTEM-menu. Yes, the serial number starts with KPA.......


  • Thanks Burkhard, many people were waiting on this. Few of them has in the meantime made a second account, is there any way they could delete it?


    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff