Update 1.04 and Master Volume? And some stupid NOOB questions

  • Hi gang,

    I updated my Kemper to 1.04 tonight. Somehow I think the Master Volume is not affecting the headphone volume anymore? If my memory serves me right, the MV reduced the headphone volume with the FW the Kemper came with?

    I can of course adjust the headphone out by going into the master section, but I really liked having instant control of the headphone volume via MV.

    Another thing I noticed:

    when in Tuner mode, you get some artifacts of the guitar sound, as if there is another signal riding on top the amps sound? Is there a way to get the Kemper muted when in tuning mode?

    Is the tuning mode accessible via Midi command?

    Is there a Tremolo effect? Can not find it. This would be splendid together with BF Fender sounds.

    Is there a protocoll on how to "extract" (if possible) the cabinets from other peoples profiles?

    Thanks in advance for any help!


  • "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Heya Guitarnet,

    thanks for the fast reply.

    Whilst you were probably typing, I found the mute button for the tuner. Should have looked more closely!

    Thanks for the other info as well!

    On the last page of the FX I only find Vib slow and fast an Wah. The vib is probably sort of a vibratone thing, not the Opto-Tremolo ala Fender Amps.

    Really digging my Kemper and this community!
