Audio artefacts / Noise when using Git/Stack or any Git/xxx mode [RESOLVED]

  • Hello all ! :*

    I am actualy experiencing quite a nasty problem while trying to record my Kemper on my D.A.W using any " Git / xxx " mode.
    ANY of these modes (from " Git / Stack " to " Git / Master Left ") generate audio artefacts / noise to all recorded audio each time i try to record BOTH sides (D.I and Processed) at the same time.
    These audio artefacts and noises don't appear if i record only the processed side (left SPDIF coax) of the signal while in " Git / xxx " mode.

    I am actualy recording takes for an album and getting both sides of the signal is mandatory for later reamping purposes.
    This is realy stressing me out as i am slowly running out of time. :/
    Sorry for my english and thanks in advance for your help.

    My Kemper (OS " ") is hooked to my Fireface UC (latest drivers) in SPDIF mode and i use the latest Sonar Platinum " 23.10.0 Build 14 ".

    Here is the recorded sound using the regular " Stack " mode (no noise) :
    The recorded sound of the "Processed Side" while recording both sides at the same time :
    The recorded sound of the "Unprocessed D.I side" while recording both sides at the same time :
    Here is my Fireface settings : [Blocked Image:]

    Best regards.