Does your KPA make you late for meetings?

  • Many times I'm so busy enjoying playing my KPA that I'm late for meetings or things I have to do.

    I know I have to leave my place NOW, but I just can't turn off the KPA and leave, I play an extra few minutes and am usually late.
    Sometimes I'm thinking should I turn it on and play a bit before I leave, knowing what will happen, or should I just leave it OFF.

    WARNING: The KPA is addictive. :)

  • That's a good indication that you need to plan and schedule to play other times. If not, you won't have any meetings to go to! :D definitely made a point... :thumbup:
    I usually play late nights, during the week. The KPA keeps me up until later than normal, so I end up pretty sleepy and crumby when I have to wake up in the morning to got to the office! :sleeping:

    Oh and something very important...I wasn't playing during the week, only weekends! Right after I bought the KPA, I NEED to play daily!!!

    Addictive? Oh yes :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

  • DO NOT use the KPA :cursing: unless you are more than 18 years of age and/or have proven that you do not have a
    personality that tends to addictive behaviour. you see what happens to weak individuals like this guitartone!?!!!

    beware of this thing called KPA! return to your your old equipment immediately! :D :D

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

  • Fully Grown Male Individuals can handle the KPA with no ill effects.

    Myself, I find my Kemper has caused me a serious lack of sleep. Too many nights of checking out a new profile "quickly" before bed. Like going down a rabbit hole most of the time.