Midi presets getting changed, rigs not being shown in the rig list

  • Hi
    I'm late for band practice already, so I'm gonna copypaste what I (wrongfully) posted in the feature request forum.

    I tried to save 3 rigs that I have also stored as snapshots in some midi slots.The rigs didn't even show up in the rig-list (yes I didn't filter any), so I had to save (Rename -> Store button without changing name) them again to have them selected.
    I put my rig "EVH5150" in slot 10, then "Crunch 2" in slot 7, then "Clean 2" in slot 6. When I scrolled up to slot 10 to see if everything was right, "Clean 2" was in slot 6, 7 and 10!
    I encountered that problem a few times before, but couldn't really remember what exact steps I took...

    The problem with my rig-midi slot settings getting overwritten seems to be related with my rigs that I saved as snapshots not displaying in the rig list.
    If I save the rig that I just selected from the snapshot list, it gets displayed in the rig list. If I do the same with another rig, the first one seems to get removed.
    While trying to confirm this hypothesis just now, my KPA overwrote another midi slot that I saved a few minutes ago and that I didn't select in the midi program settings before (I'm pretty sure of that, at least)


    I'll try to reproduce the error when I get back. I hope this info helps

  • I had similar "problems" yesterday.
    I was tweaking some new chosen Rigs. If done with one I usually store it "as" and rename with a combination of Letters and numbers in front for my orientation. Then I press "System" and set the rig to a Midi program. (Is it right that there nothing has to be saved separately- simply "exit" system? Thaught so and in most cases it worked).
    Sometimes then different programs where on this place, don't know why.
    In one case I saved a new rig with new name, chosed a midi program and after switching to another and recalling the one saved just before ... it was gone, I couldn't find it like I didn't save it but I'm sure to have done so ...
    Could there be any problems when switching via MIDI in between? :sleeping:

  • i had this problem, too. still not sure if it is my error or not. i can't remember if i'm switching midi presets between or not. if i make a change, i've been hitting the 'quick' button first to make sure my midi assignments are right, then i hit store and i've had no problems since then.

    i've also noticed a little number in the corner of the title screen that coincides with the assignment number - maybe that has something to do with it?