does anyone run a kemper stage into a quilter head?

  • i had the kemper stage and the powered Kone cabinet and not gonna lie i hated it. i used suhr pt100 or bogner xtc live for years. i'm trying to cut down on weight. next i bought a quilter toneblock 202 but i'm still not there with my sound, having gone through a bunch of pedals. I have a kemper toaster already for recording and love it. so now im' wondering about using a kemper stage into my quilter for a flexible lightweight setup, using my regular guitar cab. Curious if anyone has a similar setup. I'm a rock guy. el34 tones, clean crunch lead.

  • I did get some good results into the return of the obligatory rental twin reverb years ago. By all accounts the new Laney powered cabs are quite good? I use a DXR 10 now when not inears and it’s fine for me.

    A brace of Suhrs, a Charvel, a toaster, an Apollo twin, a Mac, and a DXR10