Posts by ycnihaaris

    I’ll have to try and find this Crossfade function/value and see if it makes a difference, because I Harare a distinct change between switches 1 through 5.

    move used the same profile through all 5 with varying levels of gain. Some have a some might bump in volume (by choice, for dynamics) but even two profile that are almost identical (my 3/4 are the same on this baring one pedal) I can notice it’s not seamless

    Hi all

    I'm a newbie to the kemper crew. I bought a Stage when the second lockdown was announced for my sanity. Just on the Hunt for some Simms Watts profiles, as mine is locked up 50 miles away and needs a repair, so if anyone has any leads, let me know. I'm really loving some of the Tone Junkie profiles atm and watching his videos tipped me over the line to pick one up. It's so great to see someone so passionate about a product.

    I've added a link to the old girl below... Pure thunder and death from above.

    (sorry, I've just realised I've hijacked your thread BMadison bad)


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