Posts by JayDobbins

    Hey there , Thanks for the warm welcome! I goofed and somehow managed to ****up the outputs... I was with My first producer last night for a good couple of hours. Luckily there's a YouTube video referencing outputs and that fixed the problem. I was getting delay sounds, then only in headphones. It drove Me insane! Rig Manager is updated and is definitely different looking... more organized. I got in at 1a.m. and went right to bed. Lots of new profiles. I'll hook everything back up tonight after work and see how things sound. Thank You again!!

    My first producer bought a Kemper around ten years ago....several times, He told Me"Get one of these, with Your situation(I can't use an amp), You'd love this thing!! Every amp imaginable is on here" :) and, that is so true!

    I bought a rack, just like Paul's. It's a steep learning curve as I am lousy with figuring things out. Pretty neat contraption I must say. I really like Bert Meulendijk

    s stuff. Especially the clean stuff. Sorry to say, the overdrive stuff(I love that Marshall 2205 JCM800) doesn't sound all that good to Me. Just My .02.

    Cool forum You Guys/Gals have here.

    Seeing I have owned this green box for about a year....I haven't updated Rig Manager or the unit itself....maybe I'm missing something, but it doesn't seem to say how to do that on this site. Any pointers/links?

    Thanks so much!
