Posts by Albiful

    How may profiles did it come with?

    Hundreds. Basically, they profiled all their amps, on different channels, settings, etc.

    This is both for bass and guitars, mine included everything.

    It's mostly amp profiles, not many effects.

    I have to investigate more, but I believe some profiles were created to include fuzz/distortion pedals:

    I recall some "Animato Markbass", "Muff Marshall" and so on

    They sound great, no doubt about it


    (is there an "official" way to submit feature requests/suggestions? my bad if I missed it)

    The ability to manage dual, totally independent paths is what I am missing the most.

    I have a guitar with dual output (magnetic + piezo) and being able to process both sounds in the Kemper without additional outboard gear would be terrific. At the moment I am using a Yamaha AG Stomp which does all the work.

    Even with a standard, mag-only instrument, dual amp/profile are needed to recreate certain tones.

    ciao.. io sinceramente ho rimesso il chip originale e programmato ad hoc la fcb .. dopo 2 o 3 settaggi provvisori ho trovato una combinazione che mi sconquiffera ed è un ben po che non la modifico.

    Se devo essere onesto non è proprio semplicissimo ma nel caso potrei fare un video per far vedere in generale cosa si può fare. In inglese ve la cavate o siete proprio a zero? Se no ci sono già on line vari tutorial su cosa usare e Come fare.

    Ciao, mi aggancio anche io a questo thread perchè sta per arrivarmi una FCB1010.

    Avrò sia il chip originale, sia il chip UnO (non UnO4Kemper).

    Premetto che non ho alcun problema con l'Inglese, e conosco abbastanza bene le potenzialità MIDI, quindi con i vari tutorial e manuali me la cavo.

    Da principiante del Kemper, tuttavia, sarei interessato alla vostra opinione ed esperienza. Questo per saltare la parte dei settaggi provvisori e arrivare più velocemente a uno scenario di uso pratico.

    Quali sono le funzioni che ritenete sia più utile assegnare alla pedaliera?

    Come avete mappato i footswitch e i pedali di espressione della FCB?

    Grazie a tutti :saint:

    Greetings everyone!

    New member of the Kemper club from Italy here. A brief introduction:

    I have been using digital systems for quite a long time. My first unit, bought as a kid with my first guitar, was a Zoom 505 II.

    After that, I switched to Line 6 and I've stayed loyal to the Pod until today. I downsized my rig during lockdown to a single Pod Go unit, good enough for basic use at home, but recently I've been wanting to upgrade to something more powerful/flexible.

    The perfect opportunity presented when Muse, one of my favourite bands, put up a load of used gear on Reverb 8o

    I was fortunate enough to grab a Kemper Head - priced as new DUH =O but I reckon the price reflected all the professional, studio-created profiles inside the unit.

    This brings me to where I am now, at the moment I am studying the manuals front to back and browsing the forums to learn as much as possible about the Kemper.

    Once I dust off my full rig, a lot of advanced programming will be needed to run everything smoothly! As an example, one of my guitars is capable of outputting three signals: magnetic pickups, piezo and 13-pin MIDI - and yes, I do often run everything at once :evil:

    That's it!

    See you in the Forums,