Posts by Jimmyno

    Can you check the CC# that are sent (no idea if you can with the Kempline)? Other users have reported the same issue when sending CC#0

    I had to check with Midi Monitor App because i needed it for programming the switches and, if i'm not wrong none of them sent CC#0. I'll check again in a while.

    Yesterday i was playing with my KPA and switching presets and FX (PC and CC) with my midi foot controller (Line6 FBV longboard plus Kempline as midi interface). Suddenly this green screen appeared [Blocked Image:]

    I'm quite scared because it seems to happen randomly, with no connection with a specific CC or PC. I happened twice yesterday and it was completely frozen, indeed i had to take away the power cord to turn it off and then reboot.
    Should i downgrade to 1.04? Tonight i have a gig and i wouldn't have the same issue...

    Quote from guitarnet70

    Looking at how different the personal preferences are in term of feel, size and model of Exp. Pedals and the fact that at some point in time they WILL wear off, maybe it would be a wiser move to provide 2-4 TRS connectors and leave the choice to the users.....just my opinion...

    And it would be nice if Kemper could help parallel projects like mDan's kempline ;)

    Well done Mamamusic store :thumbup:

    P.S.: i'm in the same band of Francesco Dettole (even called Frums) who has i kind of endorsement with you. Unfortunately i got my KPA two weeks before you had it available.

    i really don't see the problem as some 11rack profil are available, and fractal is just trying to copy a real tube amp....
    so what is the ethical problem, as fractal is the first to copy , and kemper do it too :wacko:
    these profils will never replace a real axe fx II, and i didn't share them with this idea in my mind.
    so, it is probably better to delete them. :(
    Jimmyno, please delete the dropbox link to my profils

    First of all i want to thank you for you work and sharing.
    Then i want to say that i have never read so many BS about ethic all together (ok, maybe in some Philosophy book at the university).
    Why should be un-ethic sharing modellers profiles? Nothing more or nothing less than sharing an amp profile. Why in considered fair to share a 3000€-Bogner XTC profile and "un-ethic" to share a 2300€-Axe fx profile? I think that the REAL problem is still the new religion called fanboyism.
    Touch and copy anything but the sacred Axe Fx II.

    P.S: There's no copyright on sounds, while there's a copyright on circuits and boards. No circuits and no boards copied here.
    P.P.S: once again THANK YOU millenofx77.

    Well cliff himself cloned a Kemper sound to demonstrate his upcoming feature so if cliff is doing it then well. But I agree def gets in fishy territory. Though each unit will still do different things. Only untill I change To tills cabs did I like any of these.

    Try to change your Mk Iv profile cabinet with the one in "Dual Boogie High gain" profile. It's basically a 4x12" Mesa cabinet with Black Shadows and a telefunken mic, i find it very pleasant and alive.

    Thank you!
    I have downloaded them all and what i hear and feel is that all the axe fx profiles really need heavy eq and different cabs to come alive.
    Some of them are cool just out of the box, while others sound muffled.
    Nice work anyway :thumbup:

    mDan is working to a project called Kempline, allowing the Line6 FBV series pedalboard to control the KPA.
    Unfortunately the KPA doesn't send any information so, at this moment, you can have unidirectional midi communication only.
    I hope they'll be working on this too.
    C'mon mr. Kemper, we need more complete firmwares!!!!

    I had a similar issue (unfortunately i didn't take a photo because i was in a hurry) two days ago.
    I was running fw 1.05 and working with my midi foot controller and my KPA stopped working with a similar green screen. Just turned off and on, and everything works again.
    This makes me wonder if it is wise to gig with the kpa until the release of a non-beta firmware.

    P.S: I don't think i have more than 500 profiles

    Not only delay mix should be included to be accessible to realtime control, but actually any parameter that can be edited should also be controllable via MIDI.
    So the MIDI cc- list should be a lot more comprehensive.
    Effects are good in the KPA, but I need way more control. 8)

    I'm not looking for the huge midi controlling capabilities that can be found in an axe fx, but many things are missing.
    1st: i'd like to be free to assign the CC's on the KPA;
    2nd: i want some of the parameters to be accessible form my pedalboard, like Fx mixes, levels, gain, volumes, feedback, etc.

    All you need for the moment is any cheap pair of powered studio monitors and you'll hear the 'magic' of the Kemper.

    Let's put it this way, the Kemper sounds even better in front of you than it does on any of the great recordings we've heard so far.

    Enjoy it when it arrives.


    Upgrade to 1.05 as soon as it arrives, plug in your guitar, then some average speakers (i have two cheap Yamaha MSP5), and then be blown away.
    My (formerly) Ultra has never sounded like my KPA.

    P.s: if anyone is missing the fluid attack of the axe just profile a two-mic'ed cab with revalver and then you have it. Then come back to the original kemper cab and ask yourself how could you play with that overcompressed sound...