Posts by DonJunville

    Guys, put the looper in a loop slot (in x slot) of the profiler.
    Signal chain: Guitar>KPA in> KPA send>looper in> looper out> KPA return.
    It's easy.

    This works for me :)

    I initally set the signal chain up as you said. The only thing I didn't initially understand with the loop slot (In x slot ) I'm not too familiar with this machine as yet and didn't understand the I was initally confused when I set up the signal chain and it still didn't work.

    I was missing this bit - "put the looper in a loop slot (in x slot) of the profiler"

    It basically translates to: Set one of the 4 Stomp Box slots on the Kemper to either Stereo Loop or Mono Loop. Basically telling the kemper that you're using the Send and Return connections to accomodate the looper pedal.

    It's all a bit 'Black Magic' but it works.

    Thanks again.


    I can't provide any answers, however I have the same issue as the OP ( I think) - so any answer given to me might enlighten the OP too.

    I've just bought a BOSS RC30 Loopstation and have it rigged up with my Kemper (As per the instructions for the loop pedal)

    My signal chain is as follows:

    Guitar > RC30 Looper > Kemper > Presonous Audiobox USB > Studio Monitors

    Problem is, when I record anything with the looper, it always takes on the sound of whatever amp profile I'm using: For instance, If i recorded the loop with a clean profile, and then change the amp profile and play the loop back - it will take on the sound of the amp profile i just changed to

    So, realistically - It seems logical why this happens - because the amp is chained AFTER the pedal, this is why its happening?!! Not sure but I thought I'd ask you good folks the best way to get around this a by setting up my signal chain correctly? What connections to use etc.

    My Kemper is the original (without power amp) version.

    Advance thanks for any replies.


    Theres a nice AER 60 profile that i got from Mauritzio's pack. You can download just the acoustic rigs too! I have a AER Domino, must of cost me about £800 when i bought it a few years ago. Sounds great but with the KPA i just dont need it. So in a funny way the KPA has made me some money, or will do when i sell it :) I wouldnt mind profiling it before i sell it. Is there anything to consider in the process seeing that its an acoustic profile?? I was thinking a DI profile would be the best option?

    I'll keep an eye out for that one. :)

    With the update to 1.6.0 you have 5 Rigs for acoustic guitar, some is available also on the Rig Exchange (search for Piezo). Alternatively you can try switching off the Stack on the Kemper and use comp and studio eq.

    Thanks for the reply. I'll give the 1.6.0 update a try and I'll look for the Piezo profiles too.

    Can you clarify what you mean by 'Switch off the stack and use comp and studio eq' ? I'm not terribly familiar with this beast as of yet so please forgive the 'noob' post.

    Thanks again


    Hi guys - long time lurker here - not sure if this is my first post or not...?

    Can anyone point me in the direction of some good Acoustic profiles to use with Martin Acoustic guitars (With UST). I want the sound to be as natural as possible. I'd also like the option of some reverb\chorus if possible

    I run my KPA straight into my Presonous Audio Interface - outputting to a pair of KRK Rokit 5 Studio Monitors. Not wholly familiar with the Kemper yet but I'll get there.

    Any suggestions would be greatly welcomed.

    Thanks in advance.