Posts by MikeH

    FIRST, let me say, I think it is a great thing that kemper is listening to their users. So far, the engineering, support, community and everything is a perfect 10 in my book. So please take this post lightly :)

    As a software developer, who relies heavily on user requests as part of my daily job, the concept of this forum scares me! It is great that kemper created a platform for user requests and even integrates some of them, however, sometimes you users don't know quite what you're asking for! If the developers at kemper were to satisfy every request, the kemper would become a complete and utter mess :) The kemper right now, definitely has room for obvious upgrades, however, it is clean, lean and simple to use in its current form. A forum like this promotes what we call "feature creep", a never ending cycle of features that "must be added". There is definitely a point of diminishing returns when it comes to new features, and developers of a product must be very selective in those they choose that actually "improve" a device. Lots of times, there are many non-obvious reasons why a feature should or shouldn't be added. There are LOTS of things to consider. So, as a user, don't be utterly disappointed when requested features don't ever come to life, it doesn't mean the idea wasn't good, its usually a matter of practicality. I would always be happier with a developer who is more selective in what to include in their product than one who tries to please everyone.

    That all being said, the forum doesn't really scare me, I just wanted to post my thoughts on this subject. So far the work at kemper is superb and I know they will continue to do an awesome job moving forward.

    2 questions...

    1. I saw some people talking about a utility "in the works" that allows you to rename .kipr files. I am a programmer and would either love to participate in that project, or create my own. The functionality i'm thinking of is to download every profile on the kemper, then delete them ALL. You would then be able to rename them all on your computer to something more friendly and put them back. Can I get any info on the file format? If I write this code, I would freely distribute it.

    2. What is the "hole" in the back? Is that for storage? Tony Mackenzie's review said that it is for a power amp in the future.... If true, will this power amp be compatible with MY kemper, or will I have to buy a new one that supports it?

    I'm very close to pulling the trigger on this device. I read somewhere that the kemper can be used like a VST plugin for example:

    You can record a clean track to your daw, and use kemper to process effects and amp models on that track. This would be "great" if it is true. Not only can you take advantage of kemper's profiling, but also use its processing power. Something tells me what i read was innacurate, but I would love to know...

    I use logic 9 by the way.