Posts by Joptunes

    ok, loaded up a bridged version of the Marshall JTM50 Black Flag using the Mark Knofler settings from Garrincha. They are on the rig exchange now.

    I used a single SM57 for this. Seems to be more direct and clear/clean of a profile than the previous versions which used a R121 and had a lot of room ambience.

    Let me know what you think.

    I also profiled a Mojave Peacemaker and put it on the rig exchange. It's a Plexi-100 clone.

    Yep, plan to add some profiles that bridge both channels. Will use the settings that Garrincha asked about as well from the Knofler sessions.
    Hopefully this week is schedules permit.

    Also itching to profile the 62 copper top AC30 and see how that translates.

    I'm finding that a single good mic, good preamp, and the amp at a decent volume works best. No phasing issues to worry about.

    On heavy stuff I've also been using a good attenuator and that seems to help as you crank up the amp but keep the profiling volume at a good level that's not ear splitting.

    Seems to capture the nuances of the amp best.

    Of course there are some really good sounding profiles with multiple mics as well, just a different flavor. They sound more sculpted for sitting in a track where single mics seem to feel like sitting in the room once you add some ambience.

    waraba very nice.

    The more I play around with the JTM50 profile the more I like it as well.
    Can clean up nicely and still bring the hammer when you dig in.

    Thanks for sharing. The Tele stuff sounds like you're sitting in the room with the amp.
    KPA is a beast!


    Thanks for the feedback, and glad the tones are working.

    Here are the settings I used for both profiles.

    Just used the bright channel, no jumpering.
    Volume max.
    Presence 6
    Bass 1
    Mids 9
    Treble 8

    On my next setup of the JTM50 I'll dial in the settings you mention and see if it changes much.

    the other factor is that I used an attenuator on this last round. So it wasn't brutally loud in the room which took away some of the break up from the speakers.
    I think this profile translated better and using the gain control after the profile was produced could create any lost distortion compared to profiling the amp cranked up really loud.

    It's a HO attenuator who is the original designer of the Ultimate Attenuator.

    More to follow

    Thanks for the offer about Paypal, but I'm a tone freak like the rest of you and want to contribute to the overall KPA community and do it because I like to, not because I'm getting paid :)

    Uploaded 6 profiles of a Trainwreck Rocket clone to the rig exhcnage. 3 sets. Clean, OD, CR for Cranked. Each one with either G12H30s or Eminence Red Fang for cabs.
    Let me know how they sound.

    Added three more profiles with different cabs/speakers to the rig exchange.

    1. Marshall 4X12 cab with G12H30 speakers
    2. 2X12 Mojave Cab with Scumback M75LDHC with large dust cover
    3. 2X12 Mojave Cab with Scumback M75 normal model.
    4. The original R121 with 4X12 cab with G12M 25 Watters is still there.

    The LDHC might cut through a mix better, but something about the 4X12s that I like better. The 2X12 cabs are partial open back.
    All using the single R121 mic.

    To me, the original nails the AC/DC type of tones.
    Let me know what you think.

    Yep that's next. Try a few other cabs to see how it sounds. This latest 121 version cleans up better as well with simple volume changes on the guitar which a great feature of the amp.

    More updates to come.

    Ok, quickly did two profiles again today and uploaded them. There is one with just the R121 in a different room, and one with blend of 121/57 in a different room from the first batch.

    I personally like the 121 profile by itself the best. The blend seems to lose something when the two are put together.
    The overall gain is a bit less on these from the previous one.

    Let me know how they sound to you.

    I know it's a crude way of doing it, but you can connect a single footswitch to a mono 1/4 inch Y cable on the KPA end. Plug both 1/4 inch cables from the Y to both pedal jacks on the KPA. Set pedal 1 to mono-stomps, and pedal 2 to mono-delay.

    This way one push toggles all stomps and delay module at the same time. Of course there is no two way communication so you have to be able to visually confirm what you have.

    Also when you bring up a preset need to be aware that it toggles the current state. So if you have a preset with stomps on and delay off, then pushing the switch will turn stomps off and delay on. So you always need to tie the stomp and delay state together.

    Down side is this takes up all of your pedal ports.
    I just quickly set this up on my KPA to confirm it works.

    Sorry for the confusion on the thread title.

    Yes the black flag is the real deal. It's a 67 with KT66 power tubes, tube rectified, and a good Telefunken 12AX7 in V1.
    I bought it many years ago when you could still get old Marshall's at a good price. It's all 100% stock other than the choke.

    My Chandler preamp is scheduled to arrive back Tuesday of next week so I plan to do more profiling and get a good blend between the R121 and 57.

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Hopefully more good stuff to come. I'll try to post some pics as well.

    thanks for the feedback.

    I've been using the same USB stick from day 1 so hoping I can rule that out as a factor.

    I slowly took things off the USB stick, then imported 10 rigs into the KPA. Here are the results.

    1. Remove the new 1.8 beta from the USB stick. I still had that .kaos file on the stick in the OS updates folder. No change.
    2. Remove the backup file that was on the USB stick in the backup folder. No change.
    3. Remove the Rigs folder on the Shared folder of the USB stick. This reduced the time down by 60%. So now I'm back to a pretty quick cycle time.

    I guess the KPA was browsing the Rigs folder to make sure it didn't import the same rig again, etc.


    Is there any correlation to how many rigs you have on the KPA, or files on the USB stick that impact the time it takes to import rigs? Currently have about 690 rigs on the KPA.

    I have had my KPA for about 6 weeks now, and when I first got it, the import time was very fast. Within a few seconds. I try to keep my USB stick low on number of files and keep a backup on my computer.
    In the last 2 weeks I have noticed that when I want to import 5 rigs from the exchange, it takes a good 2-3 minutes now to import a small number of files.

    Anyone else having this same setup?
    Are there certain files on the USB that could slow this process down, like backups etc?