Posts by Trazan

    Adding to this, a "stomp" (spring) reverb would also be very nice for old school sounds. That spring reverb being compressed/overdriven by the amp. Impossible to get these sounds with post reverb. is actually not possible to tap tempo for the delay without the tremolo also being affected?

    If so, I really wish for an option to turn tap tempo on/off on the tremolo!

    Not really seeing that in the graph, or in real life. Ime, presence needs to go up and bass down when you play loud with a full band vs. quietly at home. But ymmv since it hugely depends on how loud you play, 1 or 2 guitarists, keys or no keys, etc. and the room you're playing in. I play metal, but not deep shit. :P

    Btw. Fletcher-Munson ≠ equal loudness contour.

    The graphs out there are a bit different. This is the one I've seen the most:

    [Blocked Image:]

    Between the 80 and 100 dB curves I'd guess a 3dB/oct hipass around 80 Hz, +2-3 dB at 3-400 Hz, -2 dB around 3.5 kHz would get the 100 curve similar to the 80. But yeah, there's a bloody lot more to it than that in a live situation 8)

    Interesting, science tells us it should be the complete opposite (which is what my experience has been as well, I need to drop the amount of bass heavily when playing loud). Maybe your PA is just a lot brighter than your monitors? Going from 60dB to 100dB doubles the perceived amount of low end (~10dB difference on the equal loudness contour) compared to the loudness of the midrange.

    Not really. Notice how the 3-4k region gets noticeably more sensitive with higher loudness. From bedroom levels and up, the low mids get considerably less sensitive. For guitar, this will yield a much sharper, edgier tone at higher levels, as these are very important frequency bands for shaping edge and body respectively on this electring thingy we play. If you play metal on some 8-stringed monster, or like some seriously deep shit in your tone, you probably have to roll back way down there though. But hey, why not leave some room for the bassist in the first place 8)

    Master Volume bug, or whatever...I find that when I adjust Master Volume, suddenly the delay turns itself on. Also, when adjusting parameters with the four controls below the screen, suddenly "Volume" fills the screen as if I had used that control.

    Firmware 1.8

    More questions from the newbee! 8)

    Is there no way to keep the Kemper from applying the tap tempo to the tremolo? I'd like to tap delay tempo, but I don't want it to affect the trem rate.

    What you're looking for is a logarithmic curve -
    in an analog expression pedal there's a potentiometer that you can replace to get a "logarithmic" response - in a MIDI controller, there should be an internal setting to set the pedal from linear to logarithmic.

    I'd think the midi values (resolution) sent should be linear....and I can't change that on the All Access anyway. I need to be able to adjust the response curve on the Kemper. No go?

    Is there no way to adjust the curve for the volume pedal? Mine is connected via a midi controller, sends out a nice linear range from 0-127, but the resulting volume control (pre efx) is just too abrupt in the beginning of the curve. As if it goes on/off around 10. I really would like a smoother transition, if possible....

    C'mon Geraldo, you need to stop letting this guy harass you! If he had serious intent he would have contacted you in a serious way, not as a manipulating bully. I would not answer his mails, I would not forward them to your lawyer and add to your expenses. Why hasn't he contacted you via a German representative? You think any country on this planet can go suing people in other countries with their local laws, as they see fit? I'd do nothing until a letter from a German lawyer shows up in your mail.

    The silly amounts of $ he presented obviously doesn't apply in your case. That would be if McDonalds "stole" a photo and used it in a global campaign without, knowingly, compensating the photographer. In your case it wouldn't be more than what you'd have to pay to use the photo on your homepage.

    You're one man on the internet, doing a silly thing, just like millions of others. Going after you in court would be beyond silly. The money changing hands in this scenario would be for the benefit of the lawyers only.

    ""Courts will usually award as damages the normal commercial fee that
    would have been paid by a company to license the image in the first
    place in such cases and award additional damages only where a company
    can show that the breach of copyright was flagrant.""

    There's no way it was the latency in the Axe that put you off. It must have been something else, or you had additional latency introduced in your chain (e.g. additional conversion stages and buffers into a soundcard/recording software.

    I'm also very sensitive to latency, and I prefer using a sample buffer of 32 when using software modelers. This buffer gives about 1.5 ms latency in itself, plus about 2 ms from the conversion stages for a total of ca 3.5 ms. No issues with that. A buffer of 64 gives a total of about 6 ms on my system and I'm just starting to feel it. There might be additional delay from the software processing or elsewhere though, so I'm not sure how correct this number is.

    The direct comparison with distance from speakers is not quite right, since when moving into the diffuse field the additional reflections etc will mask this delay somewhat. The 10 ms from standing 10 feet from the cab will feel quite different compared to the "dry" guitar with a 10 ms delay right into your headphones.

    Reading all of this , I think I might go for hand made power amp .
    My friend , Jean Pierre Le Roux is amp wizard , and he will build one nice TUBE POWER AMP HEAD for me .
    I am sure tubes will add even more reality to Kemper , and I am ready to accept tone coloration coming from tubes .
    So it might not be flat 100% .

    Do you guys think this is good idea?
    It comes up to tube vs transistor powered amp head .

    On the other hand, it might color the sound too much. I used a tube amp in the beginning with my Axe II. Didn't work at all for me due to severe coloring. Too edgy, too much compression...especially when playing loud. To me, a solid state amp worked much better. Got my mids and dynamics back 8)

    Here we go again, another irrelevant thread. :whistling:

    He can of course express his feelings on the matter as he pleases. What amazes me though, is that most everybody regards it as customer service and fail to recognice that it in fact is a business model. It keeps the customers close, creates buzz, strenghtens the group, and gives the users a "new" toy to play with and talk about every other month (GAS/FAS . The firmware fix) 8)

    Problem's impossible to guess how strangers on the internet hear things, and what they prefer!

    I can say though, that it took me 5 minutes of playing with a Kemper to decide putting my Axe II up for sale. This is the first time ever, playing through a modeler, that gave me a BIG grin :) . It just sounds so much more pleasant than all other modelers, to me.

    Additionally, having direct access to all amp controls + efx mix, stomps on/off etc on the front panel is a BIG plus when dialing sounds, and in live situations.

    Still, ya need to test for yourself. And since it is easily available in most stores, ask to bring it for a test drive at home.