Posts by cam

    Just can't bond. I've tried it though a few guitar cabs and in combi with a monitor. Mostly around the house but I did try it at 2 band practices. I find myself constantly tweaking and not enjoying playing. Surprisingly I kinda like the cleans. So I've decided to sell and will buy a Carol Ann Tucana 3 hopefully.... Hope that helps


    Thanks guys. I'm curious to get your input once you've tried them live. I've been using them live for almost 2 years and they're working great for me. Do you guys have the powered KPA's? What are you using for monitoring onstage? I use in-ear monitors (I only keep one in) and run the monitor out into the power amp in of an EVH head for pushing a little air and feeling the guitar onstage.

    Man What a difference Profile Pack 1 makes! I have probably the least experience with the Kemper ( less than a week ) but once I loaded yours in it, I felt like I actually had multiple amps at my fingertips. And my tweaking anxiety is gone! Michael I will be back for more once I have these incorporated.

    Mine is powered and will let you know how it works live, but I can tell you I feel MUCH better now. I'll run monitor out to a 4x12, and hopefully Mains to board. Will have ears too ( 1 in as well ). Now I can build a Rig or 2. Thanks

    BTW It was nice it see a JED profile in one of your other Packs. Anxious to compare it to mine. I've had more compliments on that amp than any other....

    Thanks for the welcome Gents! Only had an hour on it running through presets and mild tweaking... just through a 112 cab... Nice! I think it's gonna work just fine :thumbup:

    Hi Everyone
    Just received a new/ demo Power Head and Remote from Sweetwater! Almost snagged one a month or so ago from Sweetwater when someone here posted they had them. By the time I got there they were gone. I check everyday but we all know how supply has been. Happened to look last Saturday night after a gig..... vola'.

    Anyway, just want to say Hi and thank all you for all the current info and my future requests :D
    Lookin forward to using Kemper/Remote instead of the ole tubes and a 70 lb. pedal board!
